Chris K (12 Oct 2012)
"Listen to HIM"

John and all of the Doves,
   I obsess over certain things and this one thing keeps coming back to my mind and heart(and correct me if I am wrong, please), but, that in these verses in Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Mark 1:11, 9:7 and Luke 3:22, 9:35 (actually only two separate events) are the only times in recorded scriptural history when the audible voice of God the Father was heard by more than one person at a time coming directly out of the heavens! And both times He says:

"This is MY Son, whom I love. Listen to Him!"

Listen to Him, watch what He does, how He acts, who He hangs out with...the way He moves in the world, how does He behave?, what does He wear and eat? does He protect Himself from danger?...and what does He do to and for others?

    These are the things we should be obsessing over. These are the things we should be doing ourselves and with and to our brethren, the Saints.

When did Yeshuah or even Paul, for that matter, ever speak about the importance of numbers or Gematria as it pertains to our work and walk in the world. They did not, ever! Not that those things aren't true, they are very are the Bible codes in ALL of their various forms, thats just how perfect and complete the WORD of God is(Also the WORD made flesh) But, is that really how our heavenly Father wants us to approach His Kingdom and His person on the Throne of Grace.
   No, its not.
   I do not speak these things out of judgment for my brothers and sisters in Christ, because I myself have partaken in every form of scriptural analysis and dissection that I could wrap my sinful little head around at one time or another. I just worry that these things may end up being a distraction to the Body of Christ(and ultimately part of a or even THE deception) here when we should be looking to and encouraging one another in the LOVE and simplicity that we know we have in Jesus Christ or Savior.
   We do need to keep speaking words of encouragement and the actual scriptures themselves and singing Psalms to each other and REJOICING in His Name, character and authority and WORSHIP at all times....for we ourselves have all of these things GIVEN to us in Christ Jesus. Not Gematria and all sorts of abstract concepts concerning the dissection of our/the Holy Truth, maybe that comes later.
                                                                                                                 in humility and love, your brother, Chris K.