Charles (24 Oct 2012)
"Is there a countdown running like knowing?"


I have seen a YouTube video recently that leads me to believe just like they put everything in movies that there is a mathamatical countdown going on in the world leading to when judgement will occur!

Like the tumblers I saw in the sky rotating! I watched a YouTube video stunned as it showed the following! A guy was following this hypothesis and playing with dates! Look what he scribbled adding the following dates!


Guys that's the change the angel Gabriel gave! He had no idea what it was! He did not read it on five doves!

I think it is the key the answer to the countdown! 12/12/12 = 3/3/3 = 9 = 2+3+4

12/12/12+ 9 (2+3+4) = 12/21/12 look familiar!

Are they lying with the truth so everyone will believe in the lie Mayans instead of judgement from God?