Bruce Baber (18 Oct 2012)

There is nothing more depressing than finding out that one's research into the Bible is misunderstood.  Not just misunderstood, but in fact that a reader came to exactly the opposite conclusion that I intended.  Such is where I find myself.

I've written a good deal about parallels in the Bible.  How God chooses parallels to instruct us.  Jesus used parallels (we call the parables) to tell stories to teach.  That Paraclete is a name for the Holy Spirit and that the very name Paraclete means One who walks beside (or parallel).  Additionally that many of the Bible stories are intentional parallels... Abraham offering his son... the life of Joseph...the story of Noah, etc.  Moreover, I thought I had made the point that Satan used reverse parallels...Satan-antichist-false prophet would be the reverse parallel of Father-Son-Holy Spirit.  My whole point was that God uses parallels and Satan uses reverse parallels.

I was terribly upset to find that someone that I respected had completely misunderstood.  I think they thought that my interpretations were unbiblical and that I was a crackpot.  It makes me very discouraged.
I believe that understanding the principle of parallels is important and that it helps unlock some mysteries in searching the scriptures.  I am terribly sorry if I have been unable to explain the concept well.  At this point I'm not sure if anyone grasped what I was saying.



Bruce Baber