Will Schumacher (10 Oct 2011)
"8-14-06 777 days before 9-29-08 when dow dropped 777"

777 days before the Dow dropped 777 points on the feast of trumpets 9-29-08 was 8-14-06
On 8-14-06 the 2nd lebanon war ended
I have posted on this before but at that time I did not know understand about conversions, bible verse chapter placement and connection of events by rapture numbers
8-14=814=407 x 2
407 is gematria of ark and is part of this significant conversion
263 dec=407 oct=107 hex
263 + 407 + 107=777
cedars of Lebanon were used to construct the temple, Lebanon is used quite a bit for symbolism in  Song of Solomon-many see as a picture of Jesus and church
then the first lebanon war was started on day 157   6-6-82
2nd leb war started on day 193  7-12-06
6-6-82 to 7-12-06=8802=18 x 489
489F=527 K=254C
1st leb war ended day 137  5-17-83
2nd leb war ended 8-14-06
5-17-83 to 8-14-06=283 x 30
Verse 777= Gen 28:3=283 -Isaac blessing Jacob
1335=526 + 283 +526
283rd prime =1831 Gem   Gen 5:24 =Enoch translated=gematria 1831
verse 283- Gen 11:16 Eber begats Peleg
Eber whose name means"region beyond" -sounds like heaven to me- was born 365 years before Isaac gets his bride-rapture
I have posted on the tying of Peleg-division- to 1335 before
verse 283 also has gematria of 6 x 365
Jared was also born 1628 years before Isaac marries rebekah
1628=2 x 814 or 4 x 407
SO it seems that this day of 8-14-06 with lebanon 777 days before the dow dropped 777 points has more significance to it than I originally thought
will schumacher