Rene (23 Nov 2012)
"re: DNA Marking Kits"

I believe these kits and the actual MARK of the beast will start out with something of this nature, purely voluntary (of course!) and will go on to be mandatory for criminals (e.g. pedophiles, to keep track of their every move once released from prison, the mentally disabled, alzheimer patients, newborns to prevent abduction and/or track them IF they are abducted) and then OF COURSE it will rapidly expand much like auto-deposit of your check did. HEY -Remember when you worked for a company and could VOLUNTEER to have your paycheck auto-deposited into your account? How quaint! How CONVENIENT! How CASHLESS!!! Don't wanna mess with all that physical messy money, do we? Then voile! The NEXT company you go to work for tells you "OH NO, IT ISN'T VOLUNTARY! IT's the only way that we pay! Accept it, or don't work for us!?" See how it's done, jelly bean? There is nothing new under the sun. The MARK is going to escalate exactly the SAME way. 
Another thing, think about this! When all those RABID PESKY CHRISTIANS suddenly just disappear, how are they going to keep thousands of people LEFT BEHIND from stealing their identity? If they know someone who disappeared (and everyone will KNOW at least ONE person who disappears), they can simply STEAL their identity! How BEST to stop thousands of identity thieves? STEP RIGHT UP! TAKE YOUR MARK! We have to KNOW that YOU are WHO YOU say YOU ARE!!!!  (Right?) GET right today. There will be NO way of escaping this WEB that is closing in on you! Reject Jesus and you will be caught up just like a bug in a web and eaten up (literally!) Some prey eat (or decapitate--- DECAPITATE!!???) the head of the victim first (stops them from squirming so much)!