Randy (7 Nov 2012)
"Cute Article: "Most Predictions of the next four year will be wrong"  lol...  referring to what the President will face in the UNKNOWN future"

It's a good reminder that NO ONE sees the future.
What WILL the President Face in that UNknown future?  Will there be war?  Will there be "something OUTside the box" that NO ONE Could see coming?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...  that plays RIGHT INTO OUR thoughts about the Rapture.....
Assuming Obama has won (as of tuesday morning when you read this post??)  .....
What will 2013 Bring?
ONE:  War in the Middle East....seems certain.
TWO:  will the US fix it's Fiscal Cliff to the satisfaction of the markets?  Will Europe fix their economic problems??
THREE:  Will the Rapture be tied to the timelines of the Middle East War?
NO OTHER PRESIDENT is "better suited" to be in power for the United States of America than....OBAMA.....  IF the Rapture of the church happens during 2013.....or 2014.....or 2015.......or 2016.  (I believe Obama advances God's End Times Agenda better than Romney....)
FOUR MORE YEARS OF OBAMA's leadership....UGH....  CAN YOU IMAGINE how he will try to press forward his agenda for:
1) The Muslims??
2) Israel....vs Iran
3) Gay rights....  (HELP!!)
4) The relations with the OTHER leaders of  Western Governments....
5) the "leadership" (and the art of compromise) with his OWN party in congress....let alone the Republicans...  More of the same morass!!   Obama has IGNORED HIS OWN Party during his 1st 4 years....  how's THAT working for him??  Let alone his interaction with the Republicans. 
My doctor said 4 years ago..."I expect the Rapture BEFORE the end of Obama's 1st term..." 
Hmmmmmm......    Well....maybe in his SECOND TERM?     I hope so!!
2013 works for me. 
But I digress......again..... lol.....    could the Rapture of the Church be the LEAST EXPECTED Prediction of what the President might face in term #2??   