Randy (6 Nov 2012)
"As I continue "WATCHING" for the Rapture and the Return of Christ..I'm reminded of what my son said..."

My son knows the Bible very well......and yet, Bible Prophecy is NOT his "thing." 
So, he doesn't see any benefit.....any good reason.....to be watching as closely as I do.
He keeps saying "Well if that's the way you believe, why not go out and pass out tracts and try to help others come to know Jesus Christ.." .....  ok.........
He also knows I was "hanging on a date" for the Rapture for Rosh Hashanah 2012....and had the website for this as well....
His comment:  (And I understand this point of view...)
"So.......you think that God has 'told you.....or given you some special insight'.....  that NO ONE ELSE HAS BEEN TOLD.    You know who comes to mind about someting like this?  The founder of the Mormons....Joseph Smith.  YOu know, he had been given some 'magic tablet' ...and then.....he LOST THEM.  So everyone had to BELIEVE HIM...that he had actually seen them, and had HIS 'special' revelation from God that NOBODY ELSE was given..... "   And he said...."really dad.....  is that what you think happened to you..or anyone else.......about being given "THE" date?"
You know.....  this was, and is.... a reality check for me..
But you know......after 16 years of learning about End Times Bible Prophecy and the "nearness" of the Rapture.....I couldn't go back to 'neutral' and forget all I have learned....no matter what.
But, his comment does ring in my mind from time to time....
Oh well.....  HEY....not EVERY Christian is Watching.....right or wrong..... 
Fortunately, we ALL get to go.....ALL who have accepted Jesus Christ...... 
And THAT is OK with me.
PS.....this is from my Five Doves Post on May 24, 2012.....
I told a friend of mine...... "I just have a hard time truly believing that God gave ME the key to decoding what the numbers meant from Rosh Hashanah 2008." While I find this truly interesting, I still cannot find the ability to say "God told me this........" Who am I that God would choose ME as the messenger of this final warning.... I have had NO dream....NO vision from God.. but.....these numbers DID speak to me, from the day they happened. I am IN the financial business....I LIVE BY numbers all day long....I have done so for over 30 years..
Anyway....... we shall know SOON. Less than 4 months to Rosh!!
My comment:  I've asked this question for a LONG time....."WHO speaks for God in these Last Days........and how do we KNOW it is REALLY FROM....GOD??" 
I don't know..... 

At best...... my suggesting that the Jewish Year of 5773 (THIS YEAR...) "could" be THE year of the Rapture....  is MY Interpretation of the DOW DROP EVent on Rosh Hashanah 2008....and that THAT pointed to Rosh Hashanah 2012 for some significance.
At first, I thought Rosh Hashanh 2012 (Sept 16-18, 2012) might be THE DAY for the Rapture. 
This past Friday, "it came to me..."  (??) that the analysis might have pointed to the start of THE YEAR of the Rapture. 
Again.....  my speculation.   IN conjunction with the impending Israeli attack on Iran in the next 6 months (?)  and the Rapture somehow tied into that event and timeline.
Again.....we shall see....time will tell......  the COINCIDENCES of my number analysis with ALL the Rosh Hashanah dates from Rosh 2008....to Rosh 2009....to Rosh 2011.....to Rosh 2012...just seem TOO INCREDIBLE to NOT mean SOMETHING>
But then again....we all know HOW MUCH I LONG for the Rapture....... 
Why?    It's THE NEXT GREAT ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I can't wait!!   Becuase....I just believe it is SO NEAR!! 
 UGH!!  lol....  smile.....