Pineman (16 Nov 2012)
"Randy: Here's My Best Guess For The Rapture Day, Yes, Less Than 6 Months"

Dear Randy & Fellow Watchers:

And if I'm wrong I'll have to recalibrate and possibly default to Brother Dan's prognostications, if we're still here at the beginning of the new year, Rosh 2013.

December 21, 2012 is still a pivotal date because, among other reasons,  exactly on day 280 (full term pregnancy) from Dec 21 is the beginning of the 7 year tribulation (Sept 26, 2013,  Shimini Atzeret). The middle - day 140 is Ascension Thursday (Rapture Day). 40 days earlier is Resurrection Sunday, the day the dead in Christ are raised.

There are more "arguments" for this scenario becoming reality that I will post later.
