Bob Ware (10 Nov 2012)
"2012 revealed in the difference between the FIRST and LAST names of al l 43 different Presidents"

The sum of the title case ASCII codes for all 43 different President's first names is: 26,938.
The sum of the title case ASCII codes for all 43 different President's last names is: 28,950.
      28,950 (LAST) minus 26,938 (FIRST) = 2012
The LAST President of the United States was just reelected in 2012.
Only one President served more than two terms: 'Franklin Delano Roosevelt' served 12 years. He was the 31st different President. The sum of the ASCII codes for his full name (2379) + the 31st number within the 'Prime Cube' (503) = 2882.
2882 is the sum of the two sets of prime numbers that make up the 'Prime Cross'.
2882 / 2 = 1441 > the 16th Star of David number and the 1441st day of the current 19-year Jewish calendar cycle was 9.11.2001.