Pastor Bob (3 May 2015)
""History Not Taught in the Public Schools - 5""

All Doves:

If you are a graduate of a public school since 1950, then most of what you have learned in history class has been either a lie, or an exaggeration of the truth.  For many of you, this series of posts are enough to cause cognitive dissonance.  The "Truth" is the most difficult thing to learn or teach in this day and age.  For most people righteousness, or the mention of it, is to have the door slammed shut on you.  The majority of the public are content with believing their preconceived understanding of history. 

The focus of this post is the "Federal Reserve System".  For twenty-five years I have been proclaiming the truth about the Fed.  It is neither Federal, nor does it have any reserves.  At least the last word is certainly true; it was a system to steal the gold and silver of the USA!   The following points are Truth, and yet the public lives in a bubble to that reality.  For a century this private corporation has been entrusted with the care of our economy. However, consider the following:

1.  You are legally a debtor and chattel (property) owned by a hidden creditor.

2.  There is a hidden lien on everything transacted for or by with a Federal Reserve Note.

3.  Your entire alleged wealth is or has been liened, you don't own anything!  You merely have possession by privilege. This privilege may be yanked at any time if you do not obey the real owner.

4.  The Federal Reserve Note is a foreign product owned by a foreign corporation, and not by you or the U.S. government.

5.  The States and the United States courts are bankruptcy courts representing the interests and property of the foreign creditors.

6.  Without knowing it, you have been compelled into the international commercial law, where you have none of your unalienable rights.  Hence you have been insulate from your birthright, the common Law from which your rights are immutable.

7.  You are charged an income (excise) tax for transacting in the foreign commodity known as Federal Reserve Notes.

8.  You have been divested of the rights to, value of, and profits from your labor, which has been stolen.

9.  Lawful gold coin (pre-1933) money transactions are invisible to the states and national government(s).

10. The real cause of draconian governmental regulation and your loss of rights is the toxic currency.

11.  The United States of America lost its sovereignty in 1933.  The USA has been bankrupt since President Roosevelt declared it in June of 1933.  It is in receivership to the hidden creditors.  The bankrupt government is a puppet to the real master, as declared by Banker Rothschild (Bank of London) and the Vatican.

12.  The real cause of the current economic calamity is the toxic currency.

13.  The hidden creditor (International bankers) own everything, including you.

14.  You have been living within an illusion, believing that you are free, but in reality you are owned!

Your reaction will be most likely similar to Jovial's comments about my series, "All Roads Lead to Rome".  I know that everything stated in these 14 points above are absolutely Truth!  Those were the claims of two authors: Ronald MacDonald and Robert Rowen, MD, in their 2009 book, 'They Own It All: (Including You)'   I bought the book upon its publishing.  It is one of a growing series of books that have been published exposing the incredible scam that we have all lived under.  Like the typical citizen, when I learned of the Fed's scam over twenty years ago, I did not want to believe what I had read.  I wanted to bury my head in the sand and pretend it was all a dream.  It would go away if I just ignored the evidence.

We have been part of a huge "Monopoly" game, but unfortunately this is not a game.  When I was a kid my friends and I would play "Monopoly" on a friend's front porch, protected from the summer rain storms by a large porch awning.  Our "Monopoly" games lasted for several days at a time, with as many as ten players.  At the time of our games I never envisioned that it was really the game we all would be trapped into as adults. 

I will have a lot to share on the Federal Reserve Act, which should save you the time of finding out the truth by doing the kinds of research that I conducted over the past couple decades.  In my series on "All Roads Lead to Rome" I provided a bibliography for the serious researcher to follow.  The reading of that bibliography represented twenty-five years of reading and research. 

The most important question that people ask is, who owns the Federal Reserve System if it is a private institution?
You will not find the Federal Reserve System listed in your local telephone directory under government agencies.
In your local phone directory, you would think by its name it would be found in the government portion of the phone book.  Not so, it will be found in the commercial portion of the phone book.  That should be the first sign proving my point for the skeptics. 

Before I get too far into this subject, I will share the names of the secret banks that own the shares of the Federal Reserve System.  They were secret for years but were unearthed by dogged investigators, for whom we owe a debt of gratitude.  The original ten international banks were:

        Rothschild Bank of London
        Rothschild Bank of Berlin
        Warburg Bank of Hamburg
        Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
        Lazard Brothers of Paris
        Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
        Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
        Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
        Lehman Brothers of New York
        Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York

All of these banks were, either directly, or indirectly, owned and controlled by the House of Rothschild and the Vatican, through interlocking partnerships, trusts, and stock ownership.  Within the ten named banks above, the Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, is referred to as the Rockefeller's bank.  Less than a decade ago, the Chase Manhattan Bank threw their lot in with the Rothschild's, by pooling their assets.  During the 2007 banking crisis, Lehman Brothers of New York was "thrown under the bus" and allowed to collapse.  It was merely a paper step to give a sense of credibility to the banking crisis to get a "bail out" the banks with a $750-billion taxpayer loan.  The ten banks that own the Fed, are all inter-married, not just as corporate banks but physically married among the families. 

In the world today, there are 300 Jewish banking houses that make up the world of investment and state banking. These 300 Jewish banking houses are a global cartel and dominate the world of global finance.  They are dominated by the House of Rothschild.  The House of Rothschild, became the "Fiduciary Agents" for the Vatican in 1823, because of the Bible condemning "Usury".  It is important that you understand the meaning of the term "Fiduciary Agents".  It's like having or holding a "power of attorney".  A similar concept is that of a pastor of a church where the pastor may have committed a sexual crime,and by which the church becomes legally liable as a counter-party that can be sued.  In the USA today, no less than eight Roman Catholic dioceses have formally filed for bankruptcy as the result of law suits against priests for sexual abuse and molestation.  Those included:  Davenport, Iowa; Fairbanks, Alaska; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Portland, Oregon; San Diego, California; Spokane, Washington; Tuscon, Arizona, and Wilmington, Delaware.  

The Roman Catholic Church is a "Corporation" as is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  People have the image that the Vatican is poor, as portrayed in the yearly offering "Peter's Pence" taken by Catholic churches in America and around the globe.  So far, American courts have rendered different conclusions on the Vatican's claim of sovereign immunity in regard to sexual misconduct.  But what becomes even further clear is the fact that the Vatican/Roman Catholic Institution does not publicly presents itself as a "Corporation".  An interesting study on "Usury" is Michael Hoffman's book, 'Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not'.  In 1823, the Roman Catholic Church franchised its "money changers" business to the House of Rothschild.  As legal "Fiduciary Agents", the House of Rothschild and the Vatican formed a marriage partnership in "Usury", a perpetual relationship, and their end game is a "cashless" economy, and the introduction to an electronic currency system that will utilize the "Mark" of the Beast for the purpose of total control of every man, woman, and child!  

The Federal Reserve System is at the root of most of our present regulatory system, i.e., "laws", and in the control and regulation of virtually all aspects of human activity in the United States, through successive socialistic constructions laid upon the Commerce clause of the Constitution.  Basically, the Federal Reserve is the "STATE" of the United States.  The Federal Reserve Note that was first issued in 1914, valued at $1.00 is only worth .02-cents today, if even that. 

Under the doctrine of 'ParensPatriae', "Government As Parent", and as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, New York, NY, secured by UCC Commercial  Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve.  Operating under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation, the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests, and the Internal Revenue Service, the system's collection agency.  UCC is an acronym for Uniform Commercial Code.  The UCC governs all commerce, legal, banking, credit, etc.  The Independent Treasury Act of 1920 suspended 'de jure' ("by right of legal establishment") of the Treasury Department of the United States government.  Our Congress turned the Treasury Department  over to a private corporation, i.e., the Federal Reserve System.

As noted the ownership of the Federal Reserve System was a well-kept secret from the American public, and none is held by the non-existent U.S. Treasury.

All our law is private law, written by the National Law Institute, Law Professors, and the Bar Association, the Agents of Foreign Banking interests.  They came to this position of writing the law by fraudulently deleting the "Title of Nobility and Honour" Amendment from the Constitution for the United States, thus creating an oligarchy of Lawyers and Bankers controlling all three branches of our government.  Most of our law comes directly from the Hague or the United Nations.  Almost all U.N. treaties have been codified into the U.S. Codes.  That's where all our educational programs originate.  The U.N. controls our education system.

People have speculated for decades about who owns the Federal Reserve.  The fact is they are no more Federal than Federal Express package delivery service.  It was once one of the great secrets of the 20th century.  R.E. McMaster, publisher of the newsletter 'The Reaper' years ago asked his Swiss banking contacts which banks hold the controlling stock in the Federal Reserve Corporation.  The Federal Reserve System is by the way a private Corporation #62 domiciled in Puerto Rico.  This Puerto Rico Trust #62 was referenced as the bank in which U.S. taxpayers income tax payments are deposited in a previous post in this series. 

In 'The Secrets of the Federal Reserve', by Eustace Mullins, he indicates that because the Federal Reserve Bank of New York sets the interest rates and policies charged to borrowers, since it is the largest of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks/Districts of the United States.  The Fed's owners receive a steady return of 6% on their investment interests of the Federal Reserve Bank.  While the Fed tries to play down private ownership of the Fed, they do not deny it.  Its stock cannot be traded, sold, or pledged as security for a loan, but this is not a limitation, other than being a secure way of keeping outsiders out.  After all it is a club, and we are not in it, as the late George Carlin used to say when he did his comedy routine.  Stock holder share in the proceeds of the Fed's profits, along with the fixed rate of 6% paid on its stockholder shares.  In 2012, the Fed actually refunded or returned $89-billion to the U.S. Government taxpayers.  That does not come close to the $350-billion the U.S. paid in debt-service (interest) on the National Debt to the Federal Reserve. 

For those of you that are still skeptical, consider this quote by Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930's:  "Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government InstitutionsThey are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."

I will close at this point to return again in "History Not Taught in the Public Schools - 6" with more Truth.

Maranatha, Lord Jesus Christ ComeQuickley,

Pastor Bob