Gerry Almond (25 May 2012)
"Just some thoughts about where we are in God's plan"

To:  All Doves:

I have some thoughts.  Here goes:

What we know is that 2 Thessalonians 2:1ff says that the “restrainer” must be removed in order for Satan’s man to take over and declare himself to be God.  This can be no later than June 25, 2012 if our timeline is also God’s timeline.

The rapture is an unknown event as to its day.  I think is will likely be a Pentecost event, which is a two day affair.  Nothing more has to be fulfilled at all before this event takes place.  And based on the October 29, 2008 through December 7, 2015, it cannot go past June 25.  So, what is left?

Only three days to Pentecost.  After that, only thirty days more in the window if the above timeline is also God’s.  Somewhere in this time period should be the rapture.  But should it not come, then what?  The identity of the “restrainer” would have to be redefined as not being the Holy Spirit, but rather, the Church.  If it is the Church, and the Church goes into the final 1,260 days, that means the Holy Spirit must go with it.  Why?  Because the Church is, after all, people who are INDWELT by this selfsame Spirit.  And the second time period of 42 months or a times, time and half time, or 1,260 days is said in the Bible to be the “time of the wrath of Almighty God”.  It is totally inconsistent that the children of God, the Church, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, could or would find itself in the awful judgment time of Almighty God, inasmuch as He would be exhibiting His wrath upon His own body?  No, the Church’s rapture MUST precede the coming wrath of God.

But what if the wrath of God, which is also called the great tribulation, is not 1,260 days long?  What if it is only 180 days long?  Or maybe 2 years?  Does that mean that the Church could find itself here another 1 or 3 years?  And does that square with God’s holy word, which word He places above His own Name?

And what would happen to us, the faithful watchers who have cried, prayed, written posts, researched, tried to learn, and have followed progressive revelation all the while.  Are we then subject to the buying and selling embargo, which is to be the fate of those who refuse to take the mark of the beast?  Most of all, could we endure what would seem to us to be abandonment by our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ?  

My conclusion is that it would be easier for the plan of heaven to be to rapture the Church on Pentecost, 2012, and then proceed with the rest of the plan of God for this sinful and wicked generation and world system.  Preparation for the Kingdom Age necessarily includes the RESTORATION OF THE EARTH TO ITS PRISTINE CONDITION AS BEFORE THE GREAT FLOOD OF NOAH’S DAY.  That is what the passage of the great destroying planet of the crossing is all about.  And it takes time.  Not a half year, or a year, but three and a half years.  A pole shift would bring about the destruction of all civilization on earth and it would do it over a period of time, not all at once.  It would cause the elite to cry for the rocks to fall upon them and hide them from the coming wrath.  The earthquakes would trap these pompous ones in tunnels forever, either suffocating them, or flooding and drowning them as in the days of Noah.  And the surface storms would destroy those in their paths.    

Folks, Spring came this year before it should have and Summer came even before Spring was nearly over.  The seasons are changing before our eyes and no amount of justification or spin, or explanation can hide what is clearly happening.  The poles are shifting.  Tampa International Airport in Florida had to recalibrate the runways there because magnetic north has moved at least 40 miles.  The more rapidly melting ice caps are not because of global warming, but because of pole shift.  And it will only get worse, beginning June 26, 2012 and following.  According to the I AM COMING letters, earthquakes and devastating tsunamis will hit both the west coast and the east coast of America.  This should be very soon after we are gone, or perhaps the very day we go up to meet Jesus.

Besides a bunch of pompous and evil schemers, so well identified by Mathman and Ron Reese, and others, there is also the influence of God Almighty as He intervenes in His creation.  He is planning for a Kingdom Age, wherein His Son will rule as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and His chosen Jewish people will rule the earth.  King David will be resurrected and will be the regent king under the Great King of Heaven.  And we, the Bride of Christ, will co-reign with Him as He rules over David as His regent to rule over the Jewish nation, Israel, in the Kingdom Age.  New Jerusalem will be our home base, while in orbit above the earth.  A great highway will be built to connect New Jerusalem with earthly Jerusalem and what is now Jordan will then be Israel.  And conditions in that Kingdom will be Edenic.  Even the feral animals will eat grass instead of killed meat.  Children will play with snakes without harm to them.  The harvest will be so great, that the plows can’t keep ahead of the crops.    

So, it is time, I conclude, to not only say “Come Lord Jesus”, but to say “Welcome Lord Jesus and thank you for saving my soul and now my body as well”.  


Gerry Almond