Day (17 March 2013)
"Pope Francis: Descendant of A Legendary European Bloodline ?"


Pope Francis: Descendant of A Legendary European Bloodline ?

PLEASE NOTE: This purely speculative post will be the most meaningful to those with some degree of familiarity with the Merovingian bloodline and early history of Europe, including Charlemagne, the First Holy Roman Emperor. 


The choice of the name FRANCIS is tremendously interesting: 


Francis = Franks = Merovingians = Clovis = European Adoption of Christian (Roman) Orthodoxy = Charles Martel = Pepin = Donation of Pepin=Papal States=-Charlemagne =First Holy Roman Emperor=King of Jerusalem = Historical Influences of the Merovingian Bloodline= Power and Expectations of the Present-Day Merovingian Bloodline.


See short history of Franks at:


Pope Francis is descended from people of the Asti region of the Piedmont.  His great-grandfather was also named Francis...does this family link go back to the Franks ?


The geographical area of Asti, Piedmont, Italy, was near to/and or compromising parts of the Papal States, which gave the Popes temporal rule on earth.  Given to the Pope by the Donation of Pipen:


IS IT POSSIBLE that Pope Francis may even descend from the legendary Frankish Merovingian bloodline, which ERRONEOUSLY claimed to descend from JESUS, but nonetheless, is undeniably a bloodline of import in the history of the world?   and  (read with discernment, especially his own erroneous interpretation of Jesus bloodline)    and   and

main page of above link:


Note 2: Again, a disclaimer is necessary: the belief that the Merovingian bloodline descends from Christ is an affront to our Lord Jesus and blasphemous. With that disclaimer stated, it is a historical fact that a bloodline by the name Merovingian existed, did greatly influence world history and may through its descendents, continue to influence world events today.  I do not endorse any of the sources/links sited; they are simply for general, secular informational purposes.   


Finally, some subscribe to the theory that the Merovingian bloodline will rule the world through their descendant who will be known as either 1) the Antichrist or 2) The False Prophet: