MathMan (16 March 2012)
"To Bruce Warner:  Rapture on Day of Palms 2016?  Try 2012 instead and I'm sold!!"


Dear Bruce Warner & Doves,


Rapture on Day of Palms 2016?  Try 2012 instead and I’m sold!!


While the Day of Palms is actually a logical day for the Rapture, Bruce unfortunately then goes on to say the Day of Palms 2016:


IMO, I simply cannot believe that the world will hang on “as is” until 2016.  Solid timelines as outlined in the Bible tell us this is HIGHLY UNLIKELY as well.  After all, the Day of Palms 2016 is OVER FOUR YEARS AWAY!!


While each person is entitled to their own opinion, I simply can’t see how the Church Age can last that much longer.  The world is becoming more of a sewer every day and is almost too decrepit to comprehend.  It is also obvious that the Illuminati are about to spring their snare on a slumbering world.  I can’t see them holding off another four years.


As such, I strongly believe that NOW is the time to prepare ourselves for a Rapture that will transpire in the very near future.


I truly believe it would be dangerous to believe that we still have another four years or so before you have to REALLY start getting people on the ark before the door closes.  In other words, NOW is the time to talk to your neighbor, friend, family member or co-worker about the Gospel, not two or three years from now.


To believe we still have four years to do this would be EXTREMELY risky to those that may otherwise be left stranded in the Great Tribulation.  The signs are showing us that each day could be our last on earth (thank God)!!  This is only ramping up every day at an exponential rate!!


Now, in terms of the “Day of Palms” Rapture scenario, this portion of Bruce’s logic actually makes a lot of sense to me.  Again, it is just the year that Bruce believes it will happen in that I completely disagree with.


Indeed, of the several watch dates I have outlined between now and April 8, 2012, the Day of Palms stands out.  I can thank Bruce Warner for pointing this possibility out and Doug Corley for outlining MANY reasons why this is a great watch date (note:  Doug Corley also believes that 2012 will be THE year of the Rapture).


Indeed, the Day of Palms, April 2 / 3, 2012 is my “highest” of my remaining watch dates until April 8th!!  If the Doves do not already have April 2 / 3, 2012 as another Rapture date to eagerly watch, please add it to your list now.




As always, to God be ALL the glory!!!  He is at the door!!  Maranatha!!


YbiC, MathMan