MathMan (13 March 2012)
"Paul Joseph:  3 minutes to 8, 6 hours back"


Dear Paul,


3 Minutes to 8, 6 hours back


In your letter yesterday (, you wrote the following:


“Hi mathman ,
i like your article about eight oclock.
i believe eight oclock is 2012.    8 pm is 20 and 12 is the midnight hour.
i had a dream in october 2009 where i was transmitted a message saying
that at 3 minutes to eight we will be back after 6 hours.
i have been trying since then to uncode this message without any result.
maybe you can help.
In Christ.
Paul Joseph.


First off, I must say that your observation on 8pm = 2012 was excellent.  I didn’t see it that way, but it makes sense.  2012 has been choreographed for some time now, both in movies the Illuminati make and the information on the Mayans they love to emphasize, to be their chosen year to reveal themselves and for One World Government to take shape.  GREAT JOB POINTING THIS OUT!!


You then asked an interesting question, asking the following:


“i had a dream in october 2009 where i was transmitted a message saying
that at 3 minutes to eight we will be back after 6 hours.  i have been trying since then to uncode this message without any result.
maybe you can help.”


As you are most likely aware, Ron Reese, Gerry Almond, I & several others have been emphasizing the following time schedule for some time now:


-                     October 29, 2008:  Final 7 Years commenced with Obama’s “final week” speech

-                     April 11, 2012:  Year Obama is crowned king of the world and starts 1260 day reign

-                     September 23, 2015:  End of Great Tribulation, coinciding with Day of Atonement


Here, the return of Jesus in 2015 is seen.  Now back to your question.


-                     Could October 2009, when you received the dream, be translated as 3 minutes or 3 years prior to 2012, equal to 2009?

-                     Could 6 hours be translated as 6 years from 2009, equating to 2015?


If so, was your dream telling you that, as at October 2009, you were three years prior to 2012 and that we would be Raptured in that year?  If so, was your dream also telling you that we would be returning with Christ (“we will be back after 6 hours”) six years from that point, wherein 2009 + 6 years = 2015?


Paul, I will NEVER proclaim to be an interpreter of dreams, nor do I subscribe to using dreams in timelines.  These are just my personal thoughts only.  My trouble with dreams is that so many are contradictory.  Please allow me to elaborate…


Some true believers will say that the Rapture must occur in the spring, according to their dream.  Then, other true believers will say the Rapture must be in the fall, according to their dream.  And so on (you get the picture).  There is just no possible way to reconcile all of the different dreams into a timeline that fulfills everyone’s dreams.  It is simply impossible.  That being said, while dreams from the Lord are AWESOME to receive, I personally view these dreams as more of a message to the receiver versus a message to be heard by all.  However, this is just my personal opinion.




As always, to God be ALL the glory!!!  He is at the door!!  Maranatha!!


YbiC, MathMan