Elliot Hong (3 March 2012)
"Sudden Death & Snare"

Dear Doves:
Even non-believers know that the ME war will break out soon in this Spring.
So we should expect it could happen much sooner, since the Word of God
warns that the day will come unexpectedly as a snare.
I'm sure that a reason the Almighty allowed the overtime in the miraculous
game was to warn us that a sudden death will come unexpectedly much
sooner than most people think.
In my opinion, this coming Passover is for the beginning of the Daniel's 70th
week, not for the Departure.  And in order the Final Peace Treaty to be
confirmed by the Passover, the war has to occur no later than the mid-March.
Some might doubt that the Peace can be reached in three weeks.  But once
a nuclear war breaks out, the whole world becomes chaotic, and everything
will move very rapidly including the Peace process.
I believe a sudden death is very near, and feel such an urgency in my spirit.
See you soon.