Harvey Troyer (21 March 2011)
"Israel Celebrates Feast of Purim from Sundown March 19 to Sundown March 21, 2011—Read J.R. Church’s Excellent Article from PITN"

March 21, 2011 

Dear John Tng and all Faithful Doves

Subj: Israel Celebrates Feast of Purim from Sundown March 19 to Sundown March 21, 2011—Read J.R. Church’s Excellent Article from PITN

In this article J.R. Church provides the Biblical background and proof from three (3) separate sources prophesying that Persia (Iran) will again lead the assault against Israel to wipe out the Jews, repeating the ancient hatred of Haman from the Days of Queen Esther and Mordechai.

J.R. uses Ezekiel Chapter 38 (the Bible), the Book of Enoch Chapter 56:5-8, and the Jewish Zohar.

Learn how this 2,500-year-old Biblical story illuminates current events affecting Iran, Israel and the world.


Please click on the URL LINK below.


Pasted from


Feast of Purim: Festival With a Prophecy


Harvey Troyer (YBIC)

Emmaus Road Ministries