Don Best (15 March 2011)
"Japan's pro-Palestinian anti-Israel stance before their earthquake/Trunami"

The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel to give permission for the construction of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem in addition to 112 units in West Bank just after the Israeli and Palestinian leadership’s acceptance of the start of indirect talks.

The Government of Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of Jerusalem and the territories in the pre-1967 borders

January 11, 2011: 
Japan condemns the demolishing of a part of the Shepherd’s Hotel in E. Jerusalem to construct housing for Jewish people

Japan condemns the demolishing of a part of the Shepherd’s Hotel in East Jerusalem with a view to constructing new housing units for Jewish people.

Japan does not recognize any unilateral measures that prejudge the final resolution on pre-1967 borders, nor does Japan recognize the annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel.

In this regard, Japan urges Israel to refrain from any unilateral act that could change the existing conditions of East Jerusalem.

Ambassador Yutaka Iimura, Special Envoy of the Government of Japan for the Middle East, who was in Israel, has already informed Israeli Government officials of Japanese views.

Japan once again strongly encourages both the Israel and the Palestinian sides to focus on the goal of a two-state solution, which is important not only for the Middle East but also for the international community as a whole; to act in such a way that mutual trust will be developed; and to continue efforts for peace tenaciously.

February 8, 2011: 
Japan welcomes measures by Israel on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, will pay close attention to any developments surrounding this matter

Japan welcomes the series of economic measures announced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Quartet Representative Tony Blair on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Japan hopes that based on this announcement, measures will be fully and promptly implemented for economic growth as well as for the improvement of the social and living conditions in the Palestinian territories, particularly the Gaza Strip.

Japan will pay close attention to any developments surrounding this matter.

Japan also hopes that these measures will enhance the mutual trust between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, although they are not a substitute for negotiations for Middle East peace.

Japan, for its part, calls upon both parties to exert further efforts for the resumption of peace negotiations.

February 10, 2011: 
Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of the territories in the pre-1967 borders nor Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem and urges Israel to refrain from any unilateral act

The Government of Japan is concerned about the Jerusalem municipal planning committee’s approval of a plan to build housing units for Jewish people in the Sheih Jarrah of East Jerusalem.Such act goes against the efforts by the international community to resume the negotiations.

The Government of Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of the territories in the pre-1967 borders nor Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem.

Japan urges Israel to refrain from any unilateral act that 
changes the current situation in East Jerusalem.

February 28, 2011: 
Japan signs $32.5 million agreement for treating waste water in Jericho; has given Palestinian Authority more than $1.1 billion since their establishment

Dr Fayyad and Naofumi Hashimoto, representative of Japan to the PNA, signed a $32.5 million agreement for the project of treating the waste water in Jericho.

Dr Fayyad pointed out that this important, vital, and strategic project falls under the PNA's plan that aims at the establishment of the institutions of the state of Palestine and its infrastructure. It also comes in concordance with the strategy set by the Japanese Government to support the PNA in the fields of development, improvement of the infrastructure, and enhancement of the ability of the PNA to offer services not only in terms of infrastructure, but in diverse social, educational, and other domains. He said: "Ever since its establishment, Japan has offered the PNA more than $1.1 billion."

He added: "I single out the interest of the Japanese Government in executing projects in Jericho and in the Jordan Valley, where it implemented projects totalling $40 million, including roads, schools, and important vital utilities in this important area of our country in the Jordan Valley. We count on the implementation of more initiatives and projects that our people were deprived of because of the Israeli measures that aim at isolating this area."

March 8, 2011:
Japan Increases Food Support to Palestinian People

HEBRON, March 8, 2011 (WAFA) – A hand-over ceremony today between Japan and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) marks Japan’s continued commitment to provide food assistance to the poorest of the poor in the West Bank, occupied Palestinian territory.

Japan’s contribution of US$ 3.1 million comes in support of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministry of Social Affairs Social Safety Net reform plan.

“The Japanese Government is determined to continue its support to the Palestinian people”, said Mr. Naofumi Hashimoto, Representative of Japan to the Palestinian National Authority. “This support comes from a human security perspective as well as from its political stand for the Palestinian efforts to establish a viable independent Palestinian state and to develop the capacities of governmental and local institutions in providing basic daily services to people.”