Pastor Bob (4 Mar 2014)
"Don't write off a Pre-Tribulation Rapture"


Blessings to all:
Did anyone else see the official declarative statement made by another End Times web site concerning there will be NO 7 Year Pre-Tribulation Rapture?   On their web site they declared "There Is NO 7 Year Pre Tribulation Rapture"?  It's in bright orange letters about 24-point high letters. Could it be that they have heard from on high??  I'm all ears.
They state there is not one verse in the Bible that mentions a 7 Year Pre Tribulation Rapture!  Only if it was that easy!   That's right not one verse, nada, nix,  Guess we better pay closer attention to the prepper's on National Geographic.  Not!
Don't fret.  These folks are not the Bible scholars they would have you believe.  Several things you should be aware of that should help you keep your sanity and steady as we go attitude.
The word 'Rapture' itself is not in the Bible they declare.  However, the word 'Harpazo' is which means "to be caught up with dramatic force" like a child being grabbed from rushing traffic before being killed.  There are thirteen references to the word 'Harpazo' in the New Testament.  It is not always spelled specifically as I note here.  This is because in Greek or Hebrew, spelling is determined by five grammatical factors:  "Gender, Case, Voice, Mood, and Tense."  The basic word is 'Harpazo' and it is in the Greek text of the New Testament.  So to say the word 'Rapture' is not in the Bible is a bit disingenuous.  Depends on which Bible you are using.
Something that I consider equally or perhaps more important is the point the Bible employs 'Typology' over and over and over to make its point!  The modern day church does not make much use of 'Typology' today.  God knows how illiterate humans are and so He has used 'Typology' to make, emphasize, and strengthen Thematic lessons for us to learn.  Not to bore you, but let me explain the concept or theme of "deliverance" in the Bible.  God repeats His lessons over and over until we get the point.  He loves us so much that He does not want you to miss his loving word.
Throughout the Bible the theme of "Deliverance" is delivered (not a pun) to us through 'Typology'.
The theme of "Deliverance" is found 194 times according to my decades of study and "Deliverance" always precedes "Judgment'.  I have analyzed the Biblical (Hebrew & Greek) text and without question, God has made it clear, if your are ready, you go home before He brings down HIs wrath.
An easy example to learn from is that of Lot in Genesis 19.  Instead of me laying it all out for you, take a little time out and dwell on what God said in Genesis 19 about "Deliverance" and "Judgment" through the grammatical device of 'Typology'.
As to those so adamant that there will not be a 7 Year Pre Tribulation Rapture I suggest they be honest, if they can, that they are not the final authority on God's Word.  Remember, we see through a dark glass lens.  God alone is the final authority since He inspired its writing and preservation.  Whether the Rapture is Pre-Trib or Mid-Trib or Pre-Wrath or .....etc, the important point is to make Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior (Deliverer).  Chill out on the harping attacks on the Pre-Trib Rapture.  Quit using the 'strawman' argument of Darby or Schofield to put down the 7 Year Pre Tribulation Rapture.  Just remember, Darby or Schofield were not the first proponents of the Pre-Trib Rapture theme.  There were at least a half dozen second and third century AD church fathers and theologians that believed and taught the 7 Year Pre Tribulation Rapture and shared their thoughts in their writings that are extant today.  Give us a break.
Tribulation is all around us, at every turn in the world Christians are dying for their faith.  But we have yet to see the grand tribulation that the Bible speaks about in terms of billions of deaths.  After 52 years in ministry, I'm convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that the Bridegroom is not going to beat the crap out of the bride and then tell her let's go on a honeymoon and consummate this marriage.  Is God guilty of spousal abuse?  I don't think so.  I will stop here but I could go on with an exegesis of the Feast Days of the Lord in Leviticus 23; again where 'Typology' is being used to reveal a pattern that the Bridegroom will take His bride before all hell breaks out.
Keep looking up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pastor Bob