MathMan (22 June 2012)
"Love Story in the Sky:  Thank you for all of your wonderful responses!!  However, there is even more!!"

Dear Doves,




There were 15 responses in total received yesterday on this Love Story on!!  Seems to be a record since I’ve joined Five Doves back in November 2011 (but of course, I did specifically ask for a reply to help spread the message, so it doesn’t truly count)!!


Andrea:  In the following post, you asked an excellent question:


Help Request:  Andrea asked whether there were any planetary conjunctions expected shortly after June 25 / 26 that could possibly signal a wedding ceremony having taken place.  I remember PERHAPS reading that there will be a planetary conjunction of some sort in early July that will form a cross shape of some sort.  However, when I searched for it, I couldn’t find any information on this on the internet.  Does anyone else here recall a possible “cross conjunction” in early July that they could provide a link for?  If so, please post any pertinent information ASAP as this could very well be significant.  Also, it would be very interesting if a meteor shower was scheduled to occur after any such “cross conjunction” (if such conjunction even exists), perhaps being symbolic of confetti being tossed on the Bride and Groom as we leave the ceremony (yes, I have a romantic side, it is just hidden under the mathJ)!!


Jean S:  Very interesting and encouraging subsequent analysis:


Brad:  Interesting astronomy dreams you have been experiencing!!


However, ALL responses were excellent and well appreciated!!


FYI, please note that the “Love Story in the Sky” was also posted on RITAN (thanks to Austin) and is getting good responses and view counts:


MORE SUBSEQUENT ANALYSIS:  Here are a few more interesting notes on June 25th for your information:


1)                Obama will be in Boston on June 25th:  Boston is known as the “Beacon on the Hill”, as its founders felt that it was in a special covenant with Jesus at its formation.  They called themselves a “Beacon on the hill” as they wanted to be a bastion representing the Lord’s glory to the world (they later were referred to as the Puritans).  In other words, Boston is conceivably the very first original “Holy Place” for the New Covenant with Jesus in North America!!


2)                Putin will be in Israel on June 25th:  Israel, of course, is the only nation in covenant with the Father.  In other words, Israel is the “Holy Place” for the Old Covenant in all informed minds (secular revisionists would hate this statement and protest furiously)!!


3)                The Supreme Court will make its ruling on Obama-care on June 25thA positive decision on the health care act would clear the path for the Number of the Beast, as the RFD implementation section in this legislation is clearly “imbedded” for the left behind’s soon tagging!!  This is a VERY important piece of legislation to the Anti-Christ and will be a big deal to Obama whether it is passed OR rejected by the Supreme Court!!


I find it extremely interesting that the two most powerful men on the planet, with 8,000 and 10,000 nuclear weapons respectively at their disposal, “just happen” to be standing in the two “Holy Places” on June 25th, one in Boston and the other in Israel.  At the exact same time, a decision is being made on one of the most Marxist legislation pieces in U.S. history!!  It also coincides with the END POINT of the seven day absence from June 18th as per the “Love Story in the Sky”!!  Just coincidence?  Perhaps, but we will certainly soon find out!!


THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL RESPONSES!!  I am glad so many enjoyed the “Love Story in the Sky” as much as I enjoyed putting it together!!  It truly seemed to be revealed to me as I was typing.  I was really not sure at all where it would end when I started this research, but was delighted at the end to see its match to a beautiful Jewish romance!!


MARANATHA!!  Surely our redemption draws EXTREMELY near!!  EVEN THE SKY SCREAMS IT!!


YbiC, MathMan