Jovial (26 June 2012)
"Why BO is not the AC and the 7 years has not started yet."

BO has been in office for OVER 3.5 years now, and no great event has happened.  That's the full length of the reign of the AC.  Face it guys; he might be inept, but he's not the AC.  The 2 witnesses have not come out of hiding or anything else known to happen 42 months before the end of it all.


People will be saying "Who is like the beast" but even his own party doesn't like BO.  In West Virginia, a convict got 45% of the vote against BO.  In KY, "uncommitted" got about that same total.  If a formidable opponent had run against him , he would not have been renominated.


Remember those folks who said Oct 2008 was the beginning of the 7 years?  That was based on one thing; the idea that the blood moons in 2015 would be Armageddon.  Nothing more.  Well he has been in office for over 42 months now and 45 months since that, and nothing has happened.  So obviously the blood moons mean something different than marking the end of it all.


Irregardless of how bad he might be in error, he can't be Mr Evil, and prophecy does NOT REVOLVE AROUND THE UNITED STATES!!!  We need to get past our conservative disgust for our current leader and start watching in line with how the Word is written, which just plain does not include the USA as the center of things at all.  Rome will rise again and drawf us, it just hasn't happened yet.