Harvey Troyer (20 June 2012)
"Imminent Signs of the Rapture and Sudden Destruction Revealed Biblically, in Calendar Numbers, & Gematria—A MUST READ!"

June 19, 2012


Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves,

Subj:  Imminent Signs of the Rapture and Sudden Destruction Revealed Biblically, in Calendar Numbers, & Gematria—A MUST READ! 


Sunday June 17, 2012 was a very high watch day for the Rapture and Sudden Destruction.   Now take careful note of having just passed this “marker” or “Sign Post” that has been revealed to me; because, the baby which is to be urgently birthed in Revelation 12:2-5, just reached “full term” = 280 days of human gestation on June 17, 2012!


How many days  from September 11, 2011 (9-11) to June 17, 2012?


Answer:  280 days!  [Prove this quickly by clicking on the following URL LINK and typing in the above stated question.  This Wolfram Alpha Calculator will tell you almost instantly.]




What makes this discovery even more intriguing is that there are “153” days (the final harvest fish catch number) of days from September 11, 2011 to April 11, 2012 [the day marking the end of the first 1260 days of Daniel’s 70th week (Dan 9:27)].  I still totally believe that April 11, 2012 was (is) the middle of the 7 Years. 


I am of course referring to the mathematical paradigm where the 7-Year Tribulation Period started on October 29, 2008 and the middle of this 7-Year Tribulation Period is April 11, 2012 and the end is September 23, 2015 (Yom Kippur). [1260 days + 1260 days = 2520 days of 360 days per year = 7 years]


Read Revelation 12:2-5.  The woman (Israel) is now great with her child, which is now full term (280 days) and ready to “crown” and be delivered at any time now.  The Rapture is all about the birth of this baby.  Jesus Christ our King was the firstfruit(s) at his resurrection being our head of the body of Christ; and, now we his Bride (includes “He Brides” as in New Hebrides the Island of Vanuatu in Melanesia which changed its name in 1980 upon its independence.


Here let me pause and insert an article that Brother Calvin posted.  In his post Calvin shows a powerful astronomical sign that points to June 17, 2012.

Calvin’s article is titled:  “The answer to the signs:  Board the Ark!!!  [Noah, SL-9, 17th of June & the Pleiades.  This was a board the Ark Sign.  Please notice how Jupiter (the King Planet God the Father) made a very rare alignment with the waning crescent moon on June 17th as in the days of Noah.  Take note that the 17th was the “final sliver” and then come 3 days of darkness as the moon goes dark on June 18th, 19th, and 20th.  IS THIS 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS SIGNIFICANT? [Please note: In this year 2012 Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) is Israel's National Holiday (Memorial Day) to commemorate the reunification of Jerusalem and establishment of Israeli control over the Old City June 7, 1967.  This happens on Sivan 28 (sunset 18 June to sunset 19 June 2012 Jerusalem Time) per God's Torah Calendar.]  Anna 777aej  on Youtube was told by the Lord that it will start on Memorial Day.  She thought he meant America’s Memorial Day.

Link to Torah Calendar.Com




The first sliver of the waxing New Moon appears June 21, 2012.  The exact peak of the New Moon cycle will be on June 19, 2012 at 15:00(UTC) and 17:00(Jerusalem Time).  Remember John Lawler’s prophetic word from December 2010 that there will be a great explosion when the moon is in the top of its phase!  Is this it?  Also, notice that the Summer Solstice starts on June 20th, 2012 at 7:08PM(EDT).  That would be 4:08PM(PDT) in California.  In Jerusalem it will be 2:08AM(JT); and, it will be June 21st, 2012! 


Does anyone remember Joe Brandt’s Dream of the great California Earthquake and Tsumai.  Joe had his dream/visions way back in 1937 and he saw Los Angeles and California destroyed; and, he saw on clocks “five minutes to 4 PM” and then “4:29PM” several times on a Sunny afternoon.  Could the Sunny afternoon in California be the “Sky Blue 21” connection?  Although it is still June 20th, in America, it will be June 21, in Jerusalem.


Please click on the FOLLOWING URL LINK by Brother Calvin.




Read about the Coming Earthquake and Tsunami:  California Dreamin:  The 1937 Vision of Joe Brandt.  Click on the FOLLOWING URL LINK:

Pasted from: <http://www.futurerevealed.com/christian/modern/earthquake.html>


Also, the Lord gave Anna 777aej who posts on Youtube, the Number 4:44 concerning Earthquakes and Tsunamis in America and told her to research it.  I (Harvey Troyer) immediately thought of Joe Brandt’s dream/visions when I heard what the Lord told Anna.  Above is some of my research.  Click the following URL LINK for Anna’s message.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=4Ho1u2LqWY8 #t=114s

Also note that June 21, 2012 at 2:08AM is Summer Solstice in Jerusalem and it is Tammuz 1, 2012 (5772).  Tammuz was worshipped and mourned for by the idolatrous Israelites (Ezekiel 8:14 etc) and Jeremiah repeatedly mentions the worship of the Queen of Heaven who was thought to be the mother of Tammuz (Semiramis) the wife of Nimrod (Jeremiah 7:18 etc). It is time for the arrival of the Antichrist and Israel is “taken in” by (accepts) this Antichrist.  Is it not fitting where Tammuz “1” falls this year in relation to the Middle East’s seething Cauldron of intrigue and the imminent Rapture/SD? So June 21, 2012 is Tammuz 1.  [21 = Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin!!!!!!!]


Now let me talk to the issue of April 11, 2012 being the middle of the 7 Years (see above).


I Have restudied Daniel Chapter 12 focusing on Dan 12:11 (1290 days = 1260 + 30) and Dan 12:12 (1335 days or 1260 + 75 days where 75 is 30 days + 45 days).  I can find no really good reason why this 75-day buffer template of days cannot be added to the second 1260 day period twice, both to the beginning and the end.  That way the 1260 “core days”, which we call “The Great Tribulation Period (TGTP), remain intact as far as fulfillment of God’s prophecies to the letter are concerned.  The Lord Jesus can return with his holy angels (the Kedoshim) and the Saints on September 23, 2015 then there will be added an additional 75 days (September 23, 2015 +75 days = December  7, 2012) which is “Hanukkah 1” the start of the Jewish 8-day Feast of Lights.  December 7, 2015 is also Pearl Harbor National Remembrance Day, a day that will live in infamy”.  During the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the Saints with a rod of iron, we will teach the nations to beat the swords into plow shears and their spears into pruning hooks and to learn war no more! (Isaiah 2:4(KJV).


On Saturday December 31, 2011 at 4:45PM as I awoke from a sound sleep, the Lord spoke into my spirit and mind so very clearly and plainly, “The Lord is now planting His Millennial Seeds.”  I immediately thought of Amos 7:1(NIV and Septuagint). 


Amos7:1-8(NIV) Locusts, Fire and a Plumb Line (please notice this same imminent upcoming war and rapture scenario in this passage)

1 This is what the Sovereign LORD showed me:  He was preparing swarms of locusts after the king’s share(Jesus Christ’s) had been harvested (the Bride of Jesus Christ Raptured?) and just as the second crop was coming up (Jews converted to Jesus Christ by the TWO WITNESSES AND THE 144,000 JEWISH EVANGELISTS IN ISRAEL). 2 When they had stripped the land clean, I cried out, “Sovereign LORD, forgive! How can Jacob survive? He is so small!”  

(Is the King’s share the Pre-tribulation Rapture of the saints? Is the second crop just coming up the re-born State of Israel?  Are the swarms of locust the army of Gog and Magog, a great horde, a mighty army advancing against the people of Israel like a cloud that covers the land right after America is destroyed? (See Ezek 38:15,16) and 2 Esdras, Chapter 15(KJV)

Would the arrival of the two witnesses Moses and Elijah (Rev 11:1-12) serve as a wall that had been built true to plumb?


(See Jeremiah 15:20 (NIV) 20I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,” declares the LORD.  I believe that this is definitely the Lord’s message to us!  These witnesses will appear at the very beginning of the Great Tribulation Period (GPT) any day now!)


The Septuagint Connection to WW 3 and the Subset of Battles.


Now that I have shown you Amos 7:1-2 in the NIV, please read these same verses in the Septuagint.


Amos 7:1-2(Septuagint) Thus has the Lord God shewed me; and, behold, a swarm of locusts coming from the east; and, behold, one caterpillar, king Gog. 2 And it came to pass when he had finished devouring the grass of the land, that I said, Lord God, be merciful; who shall raise up Jacob? for he is small in number.


I’m sure that many of you are familiar with the name “Gog” being used multiple times in Ezekiel Chapters 38/39 describing the Gog/Magog War.  Gog is associated with the Leader of Russia.  In Revelation Chapter 20 Satan is bound in the Abyss for a thousand years and then Gog is mentioned in Revelation 20:7-8(NIV) as follows: 

7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

This reference to Gog in the Septuagint in Amos 7:1 outside of Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 and Revelation 20:8 is totally UNIQUE.  I believe that “Gog” is a (the) “demon prince” who will overlay the Leader of Russia in the Gog/Magog War, which is the final Subset Battle of WW 3.  There is a Battle for Jerusalem Zechariah 12:1-10, there is the Destruction of Damascus Isaiah 17:1, there is a Desert Storm War 3 Isaiah Chapter 21:1-10 where it specifically says that America (Babylon) falls suddenly in verse 9 and then in verse 10 little Israel is immediately left alone on the “THRESHING FLOOR—TEMPLE MOUNT” crushed and facing alone all her mighty enemies.  There is a Psalm 83 War or Battle against Israel’s inner circle of hostiles.

Finally, look at what the Septuagint says about the SECURITY OF JERUSALM in Isaiah 18:4, the classic chapter on America and its destiny.

[Again, precious people of America.  Following is the “Prime and Classic” Chapter, Isaiah 18, on America in our entire Holy Bible.  Doubt it not!  Please notice how obvious it is that America is about to be harvested.  This ties directly to Revelation 14:14. [We have a double “14” and “14” is the number of deliverance and salvation!  Double means it’s been determined to happen!  Folks, we are there now.]  Notice that America get’s it “at the very cusp” or “before” the harvest and “in synch” with the Rapture.  Again, notice the the “spreading branches” are “grape vines” here in Isaiah 18:5!

Isaiah 18:5 For before the harvest, when the blossom is gone and the flower becomes a ripening grape, He will cut off the shoots with PRUNING KNIVES”, and cut down and take away the spreading branches”.]

Isaiah 18:4  This is what the LORD says to me: I will remain quiet and will look on from my dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.” (The Septuagint quotes verse 18:4 as follows:  “For thus says the Lord to me, there shall be security in my city (Jerusalem), as the light of noon-day heat, AND IT SHALL BE AS A “CLOUD OF DEW”IN THE DAY OF HARVEST”.  Please notice that this great preemptive destruction of Endtime Babylon/America is about the security of Jerusalem!!!)

Isaiah 18:5 For before the harvest, when the blossom is gone and the flower becomes a ripening grape, He will cut off the shoots with “PRUNING KNIVES”, and cut down and take away the spreading branches.

(Please notice that the great judgment and destruction come on Endtime Babylon/America before the harvest.  The “harvest” is the end of the age, e.g., the Great Tribulation Period.  Since the Rapture is clearly described in Isaiah 18:7, this is absolute proof that the rapture is Pre-Tribulation!  Please reread carefully Matt 13:36-43—The Parable of the Weeds Explained and Rev 14:14-20.

Isaiah 18:6 They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey and to the wild animals; the birds will feed on them all summer, the wild animals all winter.

The first Day of Summer starts on the Summer Solstice June 20, 2012 @ 7:08(EDT)!  But not to worry because Iraq is Babylon, Right?  Just yawn and go back to sleep.



Please continue pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!


Harvey Troyer (YBIC)
Emmaus Road Ministries