Luis Vega (26 June 2011)
"188 Day Interval Pattern"


Thanks to Bro "Scott" from the Rapture website forum - (RITAn) Rapture in the Air Now for inspiring me to set to graphics some of the latest findings on the connection/relationship with the most recent Mega-earthquakes and the alignment of ELENIN-EARTH-SUN.

The 188 Day Interval Patter that Scott discovered lines up with the start of the Concepcicon earthquake in Chile, then 188 days later in Christchurch, NZ, then 188 days later in Japan! Will California (where I live) be next...Northern Cal to be exact. Recently there have been some new findings of fault lines in the Bay and Tahoe areas; we are said to be 100 years overdue for the 'Big One'.

ELENIN is not a 'comet' as NASA and the Gov would have us to believe. Astronomers would ...have been able to see its visible tail by now...none to be had! Google Sky and others block it out. It's a Dense Dwarf Star coming up and in-between us and the Sun by Sept 25...just in time for Rosh Hashana. It is the long anticipated return of the 'Red Dragon'...the 'Horned Planet' or the flying 'disk' that all ancient civilizations worshiped and ascribed their 'god's (the Fallen Angels) to have come from and would return! Could this correlate to the imagery of the book of Revelation of asteroids hitting the Earth's sea, intense heat, demonic/satanic (alien) activity on Earth???

The gravitational pull of this coming Star (sun with 7 satellites-moons or planets) will be something else! It is no coincidence, on my research of why we are having massive volcanoes erupt, (33+) just this year...un-heard of within 1 year, record heat, cold, tornadoes, floods, drought, massive crop failure...etc.

On September 11 (9-11) it will be the 10th anniversary of 9-11 and when The Dark Star will be crossing the ecliptic plane and moving into our inner solar system. When it reaches between the Earth and sun, it will most likely generate some sort of pole shift due to it's dense mass and block out the sun in some sort of ecliptic of possibly 3 days without light.

It seems very scary and alarmist but it's on its way and the effects are increasingly being seen and felt on earth, no denying this. Your discernment is advised.