F.M. Riley (14 July 2019)
"Sodom Lives! (At least for now)"

Sodom Lives!
(At least for now)
                                                                          By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                          July 11, 2019
     "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
     But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.  
     Even this shall it be in the day the Son of man is revealed."
                                                                      Luke 17:29-30
     A few days ago one of my readers sent me an email asking a question about ancient Sodom, and telling me about all the archeological digging that had been done in the ruins of that ancent city, and the discoveries that have been made.  
     This motivated me to share with that reader the fact that Sodom is again in existence today.  It appears that most of God's people are not aware of this truth.  So I felt the Lord would have me to write a brief study, bringing God's people up to date on the restoration of Sodom.    
Lot and Ancient Sodom
     The first mention of Sodom in the Bible is a description of it's location as being between the border of the Canaanites and Gaza, Genesis 10:19.  
     The second mention of Sodom is when Lot, the nephew of Abraham, lifted up his eyes, and looked upon the plain of the Jordan river flowing from the south end of the Dead Sea.  The inspired Word tells us that the entire plain was well watered everywhere, even as "the garden of the Lord," Genesis 13:10. This description causes one to wonder, if at that time in human history, the "Dead Sea" was actually "dead," as we see it today.  Is it possible that the Dead Sea could have been contaminated with an over abundance of salt, at the time Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed?  Just thinking.......
      Lot's profession was that of a shepherd,  and the valley of Jordan appeared to be an ideal place for him to locate.  And he did!  The Scriptures tell us that he dwelt in the cities in the plain, but "pitched his tent towards Sodom," Genesis 13:10-12.  Don't fail to notice the next Scripture.  "But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly," Genesis 13:13.  
     More information about Sodom is set forth in Genesis 14.  But it is in Genesis 18 that God sent three men [angels] to Abraham.  At that time, Abraham was promised a son [Isaac], but he was also warned that Sodom was about to be destroyed.  Knowing that his nephew, Lot, was living in Sodom, Abraham made a passionate plea to the Lord to spare the city, if only "ten righteous souls" could be found living in Sodom.  And the Lord agreed!  This should tell our readers how very wicked and evil the population of Sodom was.  There was not even ten righteous people in that entire city.   Only one righteous person was living in Sodom, and his name was Lot.  
      Genesis 19 then sets forth a detailed account of the deliverance of righteous Lot, and the destruction of Sodom, and of similar sinful cities in the same area.  .  Notice especially 19:4-5, which tells us that the entire population of Sodom was given over to the wickedness and evil of  homosexuality.  Thousands or even millions of people on the earth today can lift up their voices in defense of homosexuality, and their protests won't do a thing to change the mind of Almighty God.  
     Yes, I am well aware that in America the practice is "legal" today, due to the nine Supreme Court Justices who voted to "legalize" it.  Strange!  I don't remember a thing about Almighty God stamping His approval on that rotten Supreme Court decision.    
     The end result of all the wickedness in Sodom, was that "just Lot" was bodily removed from  Sodom by the angels of God.  After Lot had been taken to a place of safety, then "the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven," Genesis 19:24-25.  That was the end of ancient Sodom.  Only the burned ruins of that city remained, as a visible witness to mankind of "the wages of sin"  for the next 4,000 years.
     However, because an event has happened in the long distant past, fallen mankind tends to forget it, or explain it away as just the result of a volcanic eruption, or even questions whether it really ever happened at all.    Well, it did happen!  The spades of the archeologists have given visible proof that Sodom and the other cities near Sodom were all destroyed by fire; a type of fire unlike anything modern mankind has ever seen.  No, it WAS NOT fire from an erupting volcano some distance away.  Scientists have determined that the type of fireballs  which fell on Sodom are different from any fire produced by any volcanic eruption on earth in all of  human history.  God's Word is absolute truth, even if those of mankind who dare to question it can never be depended upon for truth.  Hello!  
Yet Today Sodom Lives
     Now let our readers "fast forward" from the days of Lot nearly 4,000 years ago, to these "last days" in which we are living right now.  Keep in mind that the lord Jesus Himself said, ".....also as it was in the days of Lot.......Even thus shall it be in the day the Son of man is revealed."  
     Now no reader who truly believes God's Word  can deny that the city of Sodom existed "in the days of Lot."  Therefore it is not unreasonable to expect the city of Sodom to exist again in these "last days."  Riight?   I said, "Right?"  
The Rebuilding of Sodom
   I do not recall the exact date, and I couldn't find it in a hasty search of my files, but I believe it was in the 1970's that a group of wealthy Israeli business men, along with some wealthy American  business men, began the rebuilding of the city of Sodom.  They believed it would be a great "tourist attraction" for the nation of Israel, and that they could easily recover their money invested by charging fees for the attractions they would build into Sodom.  And so they went to work rebuilding Sodom.  
     Isn't it interesting that the Lord said in His prophecy given in Luke 17:28 that "they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded..."?  This is exactly what is going on in the restored city of Sodom today.  Is this just "coincidence," or is it the hand of Almighty God still directing in the activities of men upon the earth?   Well...??     
     I know this to be true, for I received reports of the rebuilding of Sodom, along with photos documenting  the reports.  I have in my possession a photo of the "city limits" sign which sets on the highway entering  into rebuilt modern Sodom.  The modern city of Sodom was rebuilt at the South end of the Dead Sea, not far from the ruins of ancient Sodom.   And indeed many tourists going to Israel, have been to Sodom, and have seen it for themselves.  Some even bought souvenirs in Sodom to prove that they had been there.  
     I personally have no desire to visit Sodom, and I do not recommend to any of our readers planning to make a trip to Israel, that they visit this rebuilt city.  Why?  Because I am made to wonder about the moral character of any person actually wanting to live in Sodom?  Who knows but what modern Sodom may become as bad or worse than acient Sodom was.  It is sure not a place I want to visit, or spend the night.   
     Those residents who do live there, claim that ancient Sodom received an unfair reputation from the Bible. that it wasn't really that bad.  Thanks for trying, but no thanks.  I'll believe God's Word over man's denials and illusions any time.    Sic!  
Absolute Verification
     Is this report of Sodom having been rebuilt just a wild story fabricated  by someone, and old preacher Riley "fell for it?"  Not hardly!
     Our readers should carefully study the entire 16th chapter of  Ezekiel.  In that chapter are the inspired prophecies of the restoration of Sodom, and likewise of the city of Samaria.   Pay special attention to 16:53-61.  
     Well, it has come to pass.  Sodom has returned "to their former estate."  The same thing is prophesied about the ancient city of Samaria, however it is possible that the prophecy about Samaria has already been fulfilled.  I don't know!    
The Future of These Two Cities
     If the Scriptures state anywhere, what will happen to these two restored cities, Sodom and Samaria, I have not been able to find it.  Yet I highly suspect, that during the future Tribulation, both cities will again be destroyed.  
     I think if Sodom were still in existence at the time, then the Lord God would not have referred to Jerusalem as "Sodom," after the death of His "two witnesses," Rev. 11:8.  
     So even though Sodom has been rebuilt as a city in Israel,  and is in existence today as I write, l highly  suspect that it's present existence will be short lived.  I suspect it will be destroyed again during the Tribulation period.   
The Wonderful Prophecies of God's Word
      Dear readers, we who are true believers are living in the very shadow of the coming again of the Lord Jesus.  The prophecies of God's Word have never been more timely to God's people than they are today.  Yet many who "profess" to be Christian believers are almost totally ignorant of the great prophecies of God's Word.  Why is this?  
     The answer is simple.  They refuse to study and believe the prophecies of the Word, even though we are assured that Bible prophecy [rightly divided...2 Tim. 2:15] is absolutely certain to come to pass just as it is stated in God's Word.  
     "We have a more sure [absolutely certain; dependable; reliable; TRUE] Word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts."
                                                                             2 Peter 1:19
     Folks, time is very short.  Our Lord could come at any minute of any day now.  We likely don't have time to study the entire Bible through again.  Then I suggest that our readers devote themselves to serious study of the books of  Bible prophecy.  This will enable God's people to know what is coming, and they won't be totally surprised when our dear Lord Jesus comes to resurrect and rapture His believing people to glory.  What a "blessed hope" we believers have set before us, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Tiitus 2:11-15.   
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     My personal contact information:
POSTAL.....Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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