Frank R Molver (21 July 2011)
"Dalai Lama monks annoint Obama as their AC in DC ceremony"

Just talked to a friend of mine that was in DC recently on an prayer intercession mission.
He got info from Pierre Bynum of Family Research Council
The Dalai had a 30 min meeting with Obama.
After that the Dalai and his monks held a ceremony in the Verizon stadium that is for the Washington Wizards basketball team.
My friend, and I think Pierre, were able to sneak into and observe this 2 1/2 hour ceremony held by the Dalai and his monks.
Apparently the purpose of this ceremony was to anoint Obama as their AC our imbue the AC spirit in him.
They also did a ceremony to release their demons in that area, as if DC doesn't have enough demons.
They did a ceremony in which they mixed blood with semen and dumped it into the Hudson River.
Creepy huh.
Well, seems like Obama is the guy.
That's what I think.