Chance (3 Jan 2021)
"Mandatory Vaccines And Dr. Igor Shepherd Talks To "Keep Colorado Free & Open""


Hello John and Doves,
It was just a matter of time....THEY are bound and determined to get us vaccinated, in spite of COVID-19 being 99.8% survivable.  No vaccine is needed for that high of a number! 
And this vaccine isn't like getting a tetanus vaccine - where you get the shot and then you don't have to worry about getting rabies or passing it on to someone.  The COVID-19 vaccine is too new, with too many unknowns.  And it's a mRNA vaccine - never before used in humans.  Even if you are vaccinated, the lockdowns, masks, social distancing will not go away.
Dr. Fauci will be Biden's 'chief medical adviser'.  Why are we not surprised?  Fauci will be right where Bill Gates wants him.  Fauci expects school systems to require the vaccine before kids can attend.  He also expects a travel ban on people who don't have a COVID-19 vaccine passport. 
"Everything will be on the table for discussion...these are all things that will be discussed (under the Biden administration)"..."I'm sure some individual institutions will make coronavirus vaccinations mandatory, while it is "quite possible" that the COVID-19 vaccine could become a required travel vaccine when visiting other countries." 
"Asked whether those who do get vaccinated CAN STILL PASS THE VIRUS ONTO OTHERS, Fauci told Newsweek:  "That's a good question.  We don't know that yet.  We do not know if the vaccines that prevent clinical disease also prevent infection.  They very well might, but we have not proven that yet."
Given this unknown, asking if issuing vaccine passports could potentially encourage people to let their guard down and ignore public health safety measures, such as social distancing and limiting travel, Fauci said, "Exactly, they (people might) do anything they want to do (once they've been vaccinated.)"
Dr. Fauci on Mandatory COVID Vaccines: 'Everything Will Be on the Table'
This following video is very interesting.    "Keep Colorado Free & Open" had a Community Action Meeting at a church, 11/10/2020 and their guest speaker was Dr. Igor Shepherd.
(325) 11.10.20 Keep Colorado Free & Open - Community Action Meeting - Dr Igor Shepherd - YouTube
 11/10/2020  Run time 1:36:46
Dr. Igor Shepherd was an Intelligence Section Chief for Covid Response Unified Command for the State of Wyoming.  He was seven years with Wyoming Department of Health.  He is currently a Readiness and Countermeasures Program Manager at the Wyoming Department of Health Preparedness and Response Unit in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  More of his bio below the video. 
He was a military officer and military physician at the Strategic Rocket Force of the Soviet Union.  At one time, he was the Chief health officer in Poland with special operation battalions; they took care of and maintained biological weapons specifically directed towards Germany and U.S forces located in Germany.  He did lots of vaccinations and immunizations of soldiers and civilian personnel.  He didn't know what he was vaccinating people for; military intelligence was watching the inoculation program.   Then he came to the United States.  In 1992 he became a Christian.  
What has shocked him is this whole COVID thing in the U.S.  CDC is deceiving people with the high COVID-19 mortality levels.  When he started researching this SARS2 virus, he found it to be very similar to the 2003 SARS virus.  In July, this virus mutated, and it isn't the SARS2 virus any more. A virus like this mutates very quickly.  HHS and CDC are pushing up the mortality rate in the U.S..  Why? 
Why are we facing this?  He said he was trained to destroy the U.S. of America - in the Cold War.  Physically.  There are many evil people in the world.  The COVID pandemic has been planned since 2001, the Dark Winter exercise.  It's a long took them a long time for them to prepare for this moment, for this day in the U.S. to bring this pandemic.  To bring communism into the world, into  the U.S. This is a planned destruction of the U.S. and it is going full speed ahead.  And the COVID-19 vaccines play a major part in this.
Russia fully developed many biological WMD - viral, bacterial, mostly chimeric.   He knows of the Vector Institute in Russia - they 'build vaccines for people'.  That's what they told the world.  But they were building weaponized bio-weapons - mRNA, chimeric, recombinant DNA type.  They have been doing this for 40 years.
There 5 major companies today that are producing billions of vaccines....especially Pfizer (he discovered that the Pfizer vaccine actually contains three mRNA segments).  The technology, they say is 'new' - the mRNA vaccine, but it is not -  they are using technology used 30 years ago in Russia, in China, in Cuba, in NK in biological laboratories to make biological weapons of mass destruction.  Same technology used today to make vaccines for us.  This is very troubling to him.
Igor talks about the Swine Flu Project in Russia in 1977/78.  In Russia they used weaponized influenza A in subway stations to spray on the public in Leningrad - 2 million Soviet people became sick/inoculated.  They chose the subways because the airflow can be controlled in these very deep subways. 70,000 people died in this event.  They prepared vaccines before they spread this weaponized flu in the subway section; then they inoculated these people in Leningrad with the new vaccine that was suppose to be effective and 70,000 people died.
So, years later, today, is this some kind of americanized Communism going on here? This same mRNA technology is used by Big Pharma to make our COVID-19 vaccines.
Project Factor, was a classified, Moscow/St. Petersburg experiment, in the early 90s - they designed biological weapons for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myelitis and Lupus Erythematosus they overstimulate the autoimmune system to produce super fast debilitating diseases.  If it's a biological release it takes about 2 weeks and the person can't walk anymore.
Astrazeneka/UK with Novamax (two vaccine companies) developed the vaccine SF9-VV; the platform of this vaccine uses an insect; they took genes from a moth and inserted these  into this vaccine. Immune system will be over simulated...and not just at the injection site.  It also contains a natural soap - bark from a tree (Quillaja sponaria) - used as an adjuvant to stimulate the immune system.   This is damaging to people...causes bleeding.
Do you think they will show you the actual clinical data for their testing?  Two disabled women in the U.K., one with myelitis....vaccines do not do this.  She can't walk now.  All clinical trials involved only very health people.
Russians left Russia who worked in the biological weapon departments that could do this evil science.  
'Marburg U' is a biological weapon...developed from the body of a doctor who accidentally injected his thumb with Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever in 1988.  He bled to death in one week.  They preserved his body and created the strongest biological hemorrhagic weapon in the world.  Still stored in Russia.   No vaccine, no treatment and never will be.  Can kill millions of people.    They build WMD without resolution; that means they build WMD to kill as many as possible as quickly as possible.  
We have evil people working for Big Pharma.  And all vaccine companies are controlled by Bill Gates.  Some 200 vaccines are being developed for COVID-19.   Several top vaccines use the mRNA technology never tested in people before.
Recovery rate for COVID-19 is 99.8% - yet we're all afraid of it.  Less mortality rate than seasonal flu.  And THEY want to vaccinate 7 billion people, very, very fast.  What's wrong with this picture?  
In 2009, some 67 million people were ill with swine flu - any masks?  any lock downs?  any distancing?  So what's the problem with coronavirus?  The problem is agenda.  Communists have infiltrated the government -at the federal and state level...following China - a communist country.  It's agenda!  
All 6 top vaccine companies are all deeply connected to Chinese manufacturers and research companies.  Pfizer reported 90% efficacy results.  two injections, 21 days apart.  They forgot to tell us:  Pfizer is working with Chinese companies - they develop vaccines for us.  The Academy of Medical Military Science.  Billions of dollars in vaccines is connected to the Chinese People Liberation Army - military biodefense.  Chen Wei, is the woman general that is in charge of the bioweapons in China and is connected to all vaccine companies that sell vaccines in the U.S.:  Astrazeneca, Moderna, etc. (She's the one that was sent to Wuhan to "contain the outbreak".)
They actually started working on these vaccines long before COVID-19 hit.  mRNA won't reach your DNA.  That's not what he heard from Russia when they injected mRNA!! 
They will start vaccinating...first responders, nurses, doctors, other healthcare workers and the long-term care facility residents.
The mRNA vaccines have to be ultra cooled - these are unstable - might start changing their structure as they are brought to room temperature; lots of possible problems.
All 6 vaccine companies for the U.S. have a close relationship to DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - do research and development of 'emerging technologies' for use by the military.  Moderna - is sponsored by DARPA.    
Igor believes we are being duped by federal state and local governments.  During the Obama administration, for 8 years they infiltrated every dept in the U.S. with leftist ideology.  
Igor's talk lasts about 55 minutes, then he takes some questions from the audience.
He calls the COVID-19 vaccines "biological weapons of mass destruction."  He believe these vaccines are the first step of transformational sequencing of your body...more vaccines will be added annually, to shift from your human genome adding more and more to your DNA/changing your God given DNA.  At some point you won't be 'human' any more.
In communism, your body and soul belong to the party.  AI will monitor us in the US, not KGB agents.  We are loosing our freedoms fast.  Communism was in the shadows in the U.S. and is now coming out.  THEY work for the U.N. and WHO and the special 0.5% of the population that controls all of us.  We are all guinea pigs.
He calls this the 3 Gs:  Global Genetic Genocide - coming to the U.S. and the whole world.
Global communism - it won't be a Dark Winter - it will be a Dark Century.
He says his message is urgent.  Says God tells us no weapons formed against us will prosper.  What's coming is bigger than all of us.  Without God we will all perish.  They are coming for you, your family, your businesses, taking everything from you.
Politicians sold us out to China.  A lot of bad stuff is happening here because of politics.  Stop the lockdowns.   Stop the masks.
The PCR test:  everybody will test positive - they did this on purpose.  Only a little fragmentation of a coronavirus will be found to give a positive result.  No isolate of this virus has ever been found in the world.  The antibody test just shows you were exposed in the past to some sort of coronavirus.
If you bow down to this, if you take the vaccine - it will become mandatory.  You don't ask questions under communism, you just do what you are told.
You will not recognize this country in 6 to 8 months.
These vaccines have not been tested properly.  Won't know the side effects - may take years.  And affect the next generation of children.  SARS, MERS, came and went. 
This one is "special" - coming in waves - we'll be stuck with mandatory masks for years, because somebody somewhere will be dying.
Someone in the audience asked:  how do we stop this?  how do we escape and avoid being immunized?
His answer:  There is no escape.  He said he has made his peace with God.  Is it all hopeless?  If we have God on our side, nothing is hopeless.  The question is has God lifted His hands off this Republic?  Is He behind us?  We all need to repent.
Number one problem - politicians are not serving God.
Fight. Unite. Rise up.  
Igor wants you to know this is coming to our door; somebody (not KGB) is coming to knock down our doors.  The Agenda is moving.  The Ba'al system is moving.  Only God is our answer.  We are disorganized.  Nothing good will come of this.  This vaccine is absolute madness.
He said - What's coming now is madness.  The U.S. Constitution, after the Bible, is the best document he has seen in his life.  We need to unite.  We are strong when we unite.
(end of notes)
More questions and info at the link: 
(325) 11.10.20 Keep Colorado Free & Open - Community Action Meeting - Dr Igor Shepherd - YouTube
I do not think, at this point, that it matters who is sworn is as president of The United States on January 20, 2021, because the "agenda" is playing out and God isn't stopping this.
I still believe President Trump will be sworn in on January 20, 2021 - it will take a HUGE miracle.  But if it's God's will, it will happen.  But it won't stop the judgment coming upon America and the world.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Here are several links with back up information for Igor's talk. 
Also, I've added an article on China's new COVID-19 vaccine.  The article is titled:  NO THANKS:  China Releases Cheap Globalist Alternative to Trump's High-End COVID Vaccines.  Of course, the World Health Organization has approved this vaccine for use around the world!  China has been caught red-handed hacking into several vaccine manufacturers computers over the last few months....  .

NO THANKS: China Releases Cheap, Globalist Alternative to Trump's High-End COVID Vaccines - Headline USA
Researcher cultivates Chilean soapbark tree for use in COVID-19 vaccine
How Tobacco, Cannabis, And Moths Are Playing A Crucial Role In Potential COVID-19 Vaccines

Chinese Maj. Gen. Chen Wei takes leading role in coronavirus fight - Washington Times;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzUEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1609582493/RO=10/
Coronavirus Treatment | DARPA Is Developing a COVID-19 'Shield'