Gerlinda (10 Jan 2013)
"Frank, regarding your post on the Ark and Crucifixion site"


Hi Frank,
Your posted article by Luis Vega concerning the crucifixion site may have been up at the Mt. of Olives where the Garden of Gethsemane is located..... I must disagree.  You've been there also so you probably questioned that it could not be because it is mentioned as happening at Skull Hill, which is outside of Damascus on the north side of Jerusalem, in today's Moslem sector.
Jesus Christ was crucified like a common criminal along with the two thieves.  The Jewish Hierarcy did not treat Jesus Christ in any special way as would have been accorded to Him if they considered Him to be anything special, right?  Therefore to even hint that He would be sacrificed where the Red Heifer was offered is not consistent with their teaching or the actual event at alll.  The gospels also alludes to there being a unused tomb near by, which is found at the Skull Hill Garden Tomb.  In fact, atop of Skull Hill, there is a Moslem cemetary.
On my second trip there, I followed the instructions given to me by a Dr. Oommen whom had traveled there with Ron Wyatt and was shown the actual site of Jeremiah's Grotto.  At the true crucifixion site, there was also found the large round stone that once covered the tomb was found  The Israeli authorities removed it.   Apparently, the Lord's early followers used that area as a meeting place because there was also a small altar carved within the rock wall.  Many think the crucifixion took place atop Skull Hill but it did not.  It took place at the same street level that is seen today as being near that bus station.  That is the same level that the tomb is found on the other side of the garden, where one has to climb down the stairs to see the actual tomb.  The tour groups do not take anyone to the actual crucifixion site but just point out Skull Hill and leave it at that.
While everyone walked off to the tomb,which still shows a portion of the Roman seal that had been placed there. I went the other direction until I saw what looked like a natural looking cross like crevice seen on the escarpment wall, which was the result of the earthquake apparently.
I climbed down a few steps, saw a little chapel on my left and then crawled down through the trees and brush on the right to the next level down (not an easy plop down either) and that is where I found the winepress that is also spoken of being there.  I also witnessed the recesses in the wall where the title boards would have been place. They were not nailed into the cross as is depicted but above the cross in those spots.  None of those things are found on the Mt. of Olives.
While it is true the Eastern Gate is a straight line from the Dome of the Spirits and then straight on to Mt. Olives where the Red Heifer was sacrificed, it is only assumption to say that our Lord died there.  However since that is where He ascended, scripture bears out that is where He will return.  Here is a short video showing the Skull Hill site and the tomb.  No, it does not show where I was shown to go but it does show the bus station on the very street level where the crucifixions would have taken place next to the escarpment of Skull Hill
Frank, regarding the information of the Ark of the Covenant being located under the Dome of the Spirits, I recall going with a tour into the Rabbis Tunnel, that there were a group of observing Jewish women praying in front of that door-way that had been blocked by the authorities after the Moslems made a stink about it.  One woman speaking English told me it was behind there down another corridor.  My own personal belief, following in line with what the Ark of the Covenant stood for and where Jesus Christ was crucified, is that his blood mixed with water that flowed out of his chest wound, did fall down between the crack made by the earthquake that took place when He gave up the Ghost.  It flowed down to the very spot where the real Ark of the Covenant was taken to keep it out of the hands of the Babylonians.  God used that occasion to place it right in the correct spot to have the Blood of the Perfect Lamb of God fulfill, once and for all, the sacrificial blood being placed upon it.   There is no more need for the Ark of the Covenant nor for the blood of lambs, as far as prophecy being fulfilled by the Lamb of God is concerned.   I concur with Ron Wyatt's beliefs about this completely.   Course that does not mean the Jews will not build their temple, put the Ark that they believe it the real one in it but would God condone it?  I do not believe He would or could because the sacrifice was given once and for all.  The Jews that cry out for their Saviour someday will realize that He was there all along.
Interesting post though!