Carol Garza (8 Feb 2013)
"To DP re: Love of Christ"

Hi DP and doves,

For many, many years I have been troubled that few Christians I know and few preachers/teachers address the Lord Jesus when the pray.

While I like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and the like, when talking to God, they all say. "O GOD".  "O GOD, why is this happening?". Or when praying for people "God, I pray that ______________, in Jesus' Name."

Do people really -KNOW- their Savior, Lord, and King, Jesus, I wonder?  If so why do not they begin their prayers addressing the Lord Jesus?

To those who rebuttal with the scriptures when asked of Jesus how to pray and He responds by saying "Our Father Who Art in heaven..". I say this:  How would Jesus have looked to the people had He replied, "Pray like this: Lord Jesus...".

Jesus had not yet been crucified or resurrected nor ascended (raptured) to heaven.

However He DID make it very clear in John 14:6 HE is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE.  No man comes to the Father but by HIM!

So why do so many Christians bypass Jesus when praying to the Father?

In Hebrews, we are told we have a Great High Priest, Who is the Mediator between God and man.

We are also told

We are also told every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess JESUS is LORD.

Our Lord Jesus also tells us in His Word, if we confess HIM before man, HE will confess us before the Father.

Please do not understand me.  Jesus IS God.  I Praise and Honor God the Father and God the Holy Spirit as much as I do our Lord and King Jesus.

I sometimes address the Holy Spirit when I begin my prayer especially when I need counseling and guidance.  The Holy Spirit us the SPIRIT of JESUS and of the FATHER.

Sometimes I address Abba Father God.  Sometimes I address EL SHADDAI.

I do not use a formula.  But by and large I begin my prayers and Worship of God by addressing our Lord Jesus.

In addition to the revelation of John 14:6 and what we are told in Hebrews and Acts 4:12, I will never forget how the Holy Spirit prompted me to call on Jesus a couple of months before I became truly born AGAIN.

I was hungry for the Truth and tired of living a low life so I began writing a "Dear God" letter, opening my heart to Him.  All the while, I heard a "still small Voice", telling me to call on JESUS, to pray/talk to Him.

That angered the devil who still was controlling me.  My mind said to the Voice of God, the Holy Spirit "why go through Jesus to get to God?  I want to get right to the Top."

Little did I know Jesus, the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, was the Means to get to ALMIGHTY GOD.

Finally, I see danger when Christian rarely address the Lord Jesus and instead address solely "God" almost always in their prayers.

Why?  Because Buddhists, Hindus, new agers, and religious Christians all believe and pray to God.

The one world religion will embrace "God".  But will they bow their knees to the True Messiah, the True GOD, The Lord Jesus Christ??

So, you brought up a great observation DP.  Now, while I agree Joel has made plenty of blunders, he does close his TV program by asking people to make Jesus the Lord of their lives and to cleanse them of their sins with His Blood.

There are many lukewarm messages by many preachers, let us not forget to pray for them instead of criticizing them constantly.  They too need the saving Grace and Mercy of our Savior, Messiah, King and Lord Jesus.  They too need to be washed, cleansed and covered by the Wonder working Power of the Blood of Jesus.

Blessings all,

Carol Garza