Sandy (20 Dec 2015)
"Written transcript of Natan's testimony (first 39 minutes)"

Hi John and Doves,

This is the written transcript of the first 39 minutes of the video testimony of the Jewish boy Natan who had the NDE. An 11 minute excerpt is what is all over YouTube and not really totally representative of his encounter. Don't know what to make of what he experienced. However it would seem to me that the end result of a legitimate encounter with the Spirit of God would be him becoming Messianic. When I have heard former Islamics and Atheists tell of their NDE the fruit of the encounter and their being allowed to return to this realm  is always a knowing of Christ as savior and spreading this good news to others.  I am uncomfortable about who he says he saw on the other side - angel of death covered with eyes and toting a pitch fork (sounds like a rogue cherubim - might we guess who that is),  orthodox rabbis, and more significantly the works based / law based doctrine he was shown as necessary for entering.

While the eschatology of Magog War he was told may have bits and pieces of validity against scripture, the enemy knows all this and could have easily supplied the experience. If you look at alien "abduction" accounts (which are demonic) the "technology" of seeing a screen of events is often cited. I think many of those involve the spirit of the abductee - a  sort  of open vision from the dark side. I am still of the opinion that the Jews will see WWIII or Gog Magog War as the last battle (Armageddon) and expect the Messiah to arise from it. This would be when they would be tricked (save a remnant) into accepting the false Messiah and the 7 year covenant. They will not realize they've been duped until mid- week.

 I for one am not sold on the origins if this encounter although I do believe he had an out of body encounter. Let me know what you all think.

Thanks to all and blessings in Christ,
