Randy (8 Dec 2012)
"Supreme Court to Rule on GAY Marriage.....is THIS how it all ENDS?  Decision by June 2013 ??"

And the DOMINOES are all lined up....more and more and more now.......just waiting for????? THE RAPTURE!! 
First the States started to allow gay marriage....
Then the President went ALL in on gay marriage.....
And now.....the Supreme Court will rule on TWO cases by June 2013.
With the more liberal attitude these days about the acceptance of GLBT's and gay marriage across much of America..I just don't see ANY WAY THIS DOES NOT END with the Supreme Court upholding THEIR rights for THEIR "freedom".  Buckle up....here it comes!!  7 months to wait??? 
WE know how God felt about Soddom and Gomorah...THAT didn't end well for them!!
How will it end for the United States? 
I think we know the answer to THAT, TOO! 
TICK TOCK........