Randy (7 Dec 2012)
"Could the DOMINOes be MORE LINED UP.....just waiting for the Rapture to make them all fall down????"


gosh....what a mess out there.....ALL around the world....
Just reading thru today's headlines.....
the Middle East - Israel ISOLATED
Syria loading Gas into bombs.....ready to start dropping....DESPITE whatever they SAY !!
The US Fiscal Cliff
Europe's mess
Economic slowdowns in the US...everywhere....
TICK TOCK.................................BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM....... Rapture
I hope so...SOON>
PS...on a personal note.....  my neighbor and great friend MARK back in hospital.  After so much trauma over the last 7 months.....including a bone marrow transplant....
The cancer is BACK......the leukemia....and he is back to ZERO.....back where it all started.
DEAR GOD............................TAKE ME!!  I'm the one who is so ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!     
I am so very sad over this......  Mark just turned 50....married, two great kids.....     what a grinding year he/they have had.  Just doesn't seem fair....