Randy (28 Dec 2012)
"For 2013 - My Greatest HOPE.....and My Greatest FEAR....."


That 2013 is THE Year for the Return of Jesus Christ for His Bride......with a PRE TRIB Rapture.
All of the Dominoes.....seem to be ALAL LINED UP.
1) Israel about ready to FIGHT FOR HER LIFE against Iran, Syria, Egypt, Gaza....EVERYONE!
2) And politically, will the EU FORCE peace down Israel's throat soon? 
3) Will the US (and/or Israel) attack Iran.....before the red line IS CROSSED, as Netenyahu told the UN back in Sept. What was his Red Line Deadline?   2013 FOR SURE, right?   Maybe before Summer......  What if it all happened in or around the Spring Jewish Feasts?  (Easter thru Pentecost?) 
4) The world's Financial System remains---ON THE BRINK!!   The US Fiscal Cliff -  (Did we really think that the Senate/House of Reps and the President were going to get along any BETTER after the election?  The election THAT CHANGED NOT ONE THING!!!!   
5) with each passing month......there is some NEW Event that shakes this country......or that shakes the world...  the shootings, the earthquakes, the tsunamis, the moral slide...the advancing gay agenda...the endorsement of that gay agenda by the US President...by more and more states.....by more and more countries....   
TICK TOCK??????????  2013???   Jewish Year 5773??  Which runs up to early Sept!!    (5 years until Israel turns age 70!)  ???
That God needs more time....that He will need MORE than 2013, until it all happens....  (I hope not!)    But..... 
MORE Time for even MORE Dominoes to get lined up.
-The US Fiscal cliff and debt problems -  For the EU's financial problems to get even worse......and for the WHOLE world.
MORE Time for Israel to be backed further and further against the wall.
MORE Time for countries like Egypt and Turkey and Syria to come against Israel
MORE Time for all the Arab countries to come against Israel
MORE Time for the Palestinians to get more and more backing from the United Nations and the rest of the world
MORE Time for IRAN be actually have and DETONATE a "test" Nuclear bomb....
The time does seem so NEAR.   Yet, God will send Jesus for His Bride when He is finally ready.
How much WORSE does the world need to become...BEFORE.... it will be time? 
I don't know......... but I hope the time is SOON.  The world IS getting WORSE AND WORSE by the year....by the month... by the day....and BY THE EVENT....
EACH EVENT that should bring the United States....and the World TO IT'S KNEES.....as we await and prayfor the Return of Jesus Christ....the ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP THE MADNESS!!
Events like:
-the Batman movie shootings...
-the school shooting just a couple weeks ago..
Let's face it.....things are only going to get WORSE over the next few years.......    
The Rapture.......when Jesus Christ Returns???
Tick Tock....................................??