Randy (15 Dec 2012)
"What will the US and Europe and OTHER nations' Central Banks do one day to keep the INTEREST CARRY COSTS lower?  PICTURE THIS!!!"


IF THE LORD TARRIES.......OR, even AFTER the Rapture......
ONE:  IF ALL the world's Central Banks hold ALOT of their country's national bonds.
TWO:  IF interest rates rise.....to a level that makes balancing their national budget just IMPOSSIBLE.......
THREE:  WHAT IF.......each country then simply SUSPENDED interest payments to all bond holders?  (in the corporate world, they would call this a DEFAULT!  )  but remember, we're talking about GOVERNMENTS HERE!!!
they could create a law that says "" Interest payments will be SUSPENDED (for a short time or forever!!)  on....get this...
On ALL THE BONDS HELD BY THEIR CENTRAL BANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Why would the US, for example, need to make interest payments on bonds held by the Federal Reserve (the US Central Bank) ???    the Fed didn't really pay for them with REAL MONEY in ther first place??!!!  lol.................
IF...the Lord Tarries.....OR after the Rapture.....this could really happen!!
Just a thought that crossed my mind today... 
TICK TOCK..................................