Carl Worline (5 Dec 2012)
"When Israel Stands Alone In The World"


Hi Everybody,
The Bible tells us that Israel will stand alone in the last days.  This is by supernatural design.  Israel will have nobody to turn to except God.  When the UN voted last Thursday I was certain that prophecy was fulfilled due to the landslide vote in favor of dividing God's land, which He has given to the Jews in an "everlasting covenant." Nevertheless, it bothered me a little bit that 9 nations did vote with Israel.  Technically, Israel wasn't exactly alone at the UN.
Now I read that Israel is going ahead with 3,000 new homes in and around Jerusalem, including the most sensitive area, E-1.  The United States is condemning this move, and so is the rest of the world.  OK.  So now Israel is alone in the world.  Prophecy fulfilled.
God is swift to punish, but He does like to have a small gap of time between the sinful act and striking out in wrath.  I think that is to let anyone who wants to, pray for forgiveness at the last moment.  Just my thought here.  For example, hurricane Katrina struck 7 days after Israel dragged the last Jew, kicking and screaming, out of Gaza., in a bid for "land for peace," that (of course) turned out to be a total failure.  The United States was a key player because of the incredible pressure we put on Israel to give away Gaza.  Seven days from last Thursday (November 29th) will be this Thursday (December 6th).  I am not a prophet, but I have a feeling that something is going to happen.  Maybe it will be the rapture.  Maybe it will be another birth pang in the form of a natural disaster.  Or, maybe I am wrong here.  I have been wrong before (Just ask my wife).  We will know in a matter of hours.
Carl Worline