Bruce Baber (21 Dec 2011)
"When the menorah stopped giving forth its light"

Here is some interesting information about the menorah and the time when it stopped burning.


Bruce Baber



The lamps of the menorah were lit daily, "from evening until morning," starting from the central lamp (the shamash) and then moving right to left (Shemot / Exod. 27:21). According to the Talmud (Shabbat 22b), while all the lamps received the same amount of olive oil, the "westernmost" lamp (according to Rashi, the center lamp, due to its orientation) miraculously never ran out of oil, even though it was kindled first in the sequence.  In other words, when Aaron would rekindle the lamps every evening, he found the shamash still burning, so he simply refilled it with oil and trimmed its wick. This miracle is also said to have occurred during the Temple period, though it abruptly ended about 40 years before the destruction of the Second Temple (c. 30 AD), after the death of our Rabbi Yeshua the Messiah, the true Servant and Branch of HaShem. As it is attested in the Talmud: "Our Rabbis taught: During the last forty years before the destruction of the Temple the lot ['For the Lord'] did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored strap become white; nor did the westernmost light shine" (Yoma 39a).

One of the most important miracles that happen in the Beit HaMikdash after our Rabbi Yeshua HaMashiach left this earth (waiting now to bring the final geula “redemption” sent by the Father at the appointed time) was the Menorah in the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) went out, and would not shine. Every night for 40 years (over 12,500 nights in a row) the main lamp of the Hekal menorah went out of its own accord, no matter what attempts and precautions the priests took to safeguard against this event!

Dr. Earnest Martin states: In fact, we are told in the Talmud that at dusk the lamps that were unlit in the daytime (the middle four lamps remained unlit, while the two eastern lamps normally stayed lit during the day) were to be re-lit from the flames of the western lamp (which was a lamp that was supposed to stay lit all the time it was like the “eternal” flame that we see today in some national monuments or on top of the Aron HaKodesh where we store our Torah Scrolls).

This “western Menorah” was to be kept lit at all times. For that reason, the priests kept extra reservoirs of olive oil and other implements in ready supply to make sure that the “western Menorah” (under all circumstances) would stay lit. But what happened in the forty years from the very year Messiah said the physical Temple would be destroyed? Every night for forty years the western lamp went out, and this in spite of the priests each evening preparing in a special way the western lamp so that it would remain constantly burning all night! (The Significance of the Year CE 30, Ernest Martin, Research Update, April 1994, p.4).

Chanukah is a preparation for the forthcoming Messianic era. These days are called "Chanukah" because they are a Chinuch – education/preparation – accustoming us to the final redemption. During the candle lighting we are treated to a resemblance of the illumination of the Or Haganuz – hidden primordial light – which will radiate in full glory in the days of Mashiach. The candles and light of Chanukah are analogous to Torah and mitzvoth (commandments) as King Shlomo said, "For a mitzvah is a candle and Torah is light" (Proverbs 6:23). During Chanukah an increase in Torah study is preferred since through the Ohr Chadash – new light of Torah that we add in the world we will accomplish the purpose of creation and merit the revelation of the new light, the light of Mashiach.

The shamash or “servant” is the candle in the middle used to light the other candles of the Chanukah menorah.   Our Rabbi Yeshua is HaShem’s shamash, our Messiah… Do you think there is any other explanation?