Fay (28 Aug 2016)
"The Reality"


I read an article about organised religion, current politics etc. It involved observations about the Roman Catholic church - top world leaders etc. I didn't include the link in this post because you have heard it all before. I scrolled down to the comments section and read a brilliant post, which I jotted notes from. Here is the gist from the unknown author - interspersed with my own observations.

What I find continually interesting is that if Jesus is fake, as the world would want us to believe, why does the same world fight so hard against anything to do with Him? They don't fight against the Greek mythology of Zeus like they do against Christ. They include material from Greek mythology in the school curriculum but have removed anything to do with God. They don't fight against Islam like they do Jesus - even when muslims throw gays off buildings. Is it because - deep down - they can't get rid of that gnawing realisation that God is real?

They fight tooth and nail to remove the cross from public spaces but are more than comfortable with a gigantic statue of Shiva, the destroyer, in front of CERN HQ. CERN is funded by countries all over the world. Our tax paid money!

They insist on defending Islam and the consequences of the commands of the Koran. Teaching our school children about Islam but banning the Bible and denigrating Christianity. Undermining logic in every way.

They are determined to destroy Christianity - just look at the Middle East. They are determined to destroy the family unit. They are determined to destroy anything that GOD has ordered. Evil is running rampant.

We are the salt of the world. We will be leaving soon. Our bags are packed and waiting )so to speak) The devil is waiting in the wings for his moment.

May the LORD strengthen us, guide us, lead us and instruct us as to what we must do in the short time we have left on this planet.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.