Pastor Bob (31 Aug 2014)
""All Roads Lead to Rome -3""

All Doves:

Way back in 2008, when President Obama announced the formation of his "Catholic National Advisory Council", he said he was "deeply honored to have the support and counsel of these committed Catholic leaders, scholar and advocates."  The remarks and the event went largely unnoticed by the secular world, the religious world, but it did not go unnoticed by the Catholic world; and, in ways you might not think.

Commenting on this group, named below, 'Catholic League' president Bill Donohue, made a startling statement, "The best advice I can give Sen. Obama about his Catholic National Advisory Council is to dissolve it immediately."  This is one of those providential moments when even a Catholic lay leader was repulsed by the Obama 'Catholic National Advisory Council'.  Why would a leading Catholic lay leader be so opinionated about the committee that would advise the new President??

Of the 26 Catholic former or current public office holders he has listed as either National Co-Chairs (5) or as members of the "National Leadership Committee" (21), there is not one who agrees with the Catholic Church on all three major public policy issues:  abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and school vouchers, "Indeed, on the issue of abortion, their record is disgraceful."  Consider the scorecard as issued by the most radical pro-abortion organization in the nation - NARAL.

"Of the two National Co-Chairs who have a NARAL tally, one agrees with the extremist group 65% of the time, and the others agree 100% of the time.  Of the 20 National Leadership Committee members with a NARAL score, 17 have earned a 100% rating.  Of those who have less than a perfect score, not one is in favor of school vouchers.  Practicing Catholics have every right to be insulted by Obama's advisory group.  What is the purpose of having an advisory group about matters for Catholics when most of its members reject the Catholic position?  If Obama wanted input from gay leaders, would he choose those who don't reflect the sentiment of the gay community?"

Mr. Donohue of the 'Catholic League' left listeners no doubt as to where he stood on "Obama's National Catholic Advisory Committee".  "In short, to choose Catholic dissidents to advise him about Catholic concerns is mind-boggling."  "If these are the best 'committed Catholic leaders, scholars and advocates' Obama can find, then it is evident that he has a 'Wright' problem when it comes to picking Catholic advisers."

This is the list of Obama's Catholic advisers:

National Co-Chairs
Senaor Bob Casey (PA) - Jesuit educated at Holy Cross
Representative Patrict Murphy (PA-08)
Former Congressman Tim Roemer, President of the Center for National Policy
Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, later Secretary HHS
Governor Ti Kaine of Virginia - formerly a Jesuit volunteer in Hondorus
Tom Chabolla, a member of PICO, founded by a Jesuit
Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy's second wife
Sr. Jamie Phelps, O.P.
Sr. Catherine Pinkerton, Congregation of St. Joseph, long association with the Jesuits

National Steering Committee
Mary Jo Bane, Professor, Harvard Kennedy School
Nicholas P. Cafardi, Jesuit educated at Georgian University in Rome and Media Relations for USCCB
Lisa Cahill, Professor of Theology, at Jesuit Boston College
M. Shawn Copeland, Associate Professor of Theology, at Jesuit Boston College
Ron Cruz, Hispanic Affairs Director for USCCB
Sharon Daly, Vice President for Social Policy at Catholic Charities USA
Richard Gaillardetz, Vocal director for Women priests.
Grant Gallicho, Associate Editor, Commonweal Magazine
Sr. Margaret Gannon, IHM, A Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, PA
Don Guter, Judge Advocate General of the Navy (2000-2002), Rear Admiral, Judge Advocate General Corps,
    U.S. Navy, (Ret.), Pittsburgh, PA
Cathleen Kaveny, Professor of Law and Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Jim Kesteloot, President of Chicago Lighthouse, Jesuit educated at Loyola University in Chicago
Vincent Miller, Associate Professor of Theology, at Jesuit Georgetown University
David O'brien, Loyola Professor of Catholic Studies at the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross
Peter Quaranto, Senior Researcher and Conflict Analyst, Resolve Uganda (Notre Dame class of 2006)
Dave Robiinson, Pax Christi leadership
Vincent Rougeau, Associate Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame, formerly professor at Loyola University     at Chicago
Mary Wright, Inter-Faith Liaison, Louisville, KY

National Leadership Committee
Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin
Former Senator Majority Leader Tom Dasche, visiting professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University
Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, a graduate of Jesuit Georgetown University
Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, currently Secretary of State, the toast of the Jesuits "BC Law" and a                 graduate of Jesuit Boston College
Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, a graduate of Jesuit Georgetown University
Representative Xavier Becerra of Calfornia
Representative Mike Capuano of Massachusetts, a graduate of the Jesuits "BC Law"
Representative Lacy Clay of Missouri
Representative Jerry Costello of Illinois
Representative Bill Delahunt of Massachusetts, a graduate of the Jesuits "BC Law"
Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut
Representative Anna Eshoo of California
Representative Raul Grijalva of Arizona
Representative Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island, Ted Kennedy's son
Representative John Larson of Connecticut
Representative George Miller of California
Representative James Oberstar of Minnesota, a student at the Jesuit Georgetown University
Representative Linda Sanchez of California
Representative Carol Shea Porter of New Hampshire
Representative Peter Welch of Vermont, a graduate of the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross

Ask yourself, from this list, what stands out most about its membership?  First, it is heavily dominated by Jesuits, graduates of Jesuit colleges and universities, several graduates from the Jesuit Boston College Law School, and major shakers and breakers of government policy.

If you noticed at the beginning the remarks of 'Catholic League' president Bill Donohue, the Roman Catholic groups maintain a "score" card on how elected delegates vote on Catholic issues, but more so is the fact that it is a well developed system of tracking elected politicians, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Central to the present administration of President Obama has been the big issue of amnesty, and providing citizenship to illegal aliens.  What you never hear in this discussion or debate is the fact that most of those that are here illegally or seeking amnesty is the fact that they are almost all Catholics.  No one talks or mentions this issue in the media, or public circles, but the fact is, that if you grant citizenship to 20-30 million illegal aliens, you will no longer have a two political party system in this country.  Those 20-30 million illegals will become politically speaking, Democrats, for the rest of their lives.  Rome wants to reduce the USA to a Third-World country, economically, politically, and religiously.

The chances of the Jesuits having been deeply involved in the invasion of the USA border in Texas, Arizona, and California by children, teens, and adults are extremely high, and yet you will never hear so much as a peep out of the politicians because they do not want to offend Rome, American Catholic bishops and priests.  Since Vatican II of 1962-1965, there has been an accepted religious policy of "Religious Pluralism".  Such a policy was created to grant equal recognition of all religious denominations, sects, cults, sectarian groups.  Those of us that have studied the Jesuits and the Freemasons for years know that both function and operate on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church.  It's not politically correct or religiously correct to criticize the Vatican, or the Roman Catholic Church in America.  However, that policy has not stopped the Roman Catholic march toward restoring its religious and political power.  Most folks err in their thinking that Rome is only about a Eucharistic Christ for the peasants.  Nearly simultaneous to the ecumenical policy of "Religious Pluralism" also introduced into American culture was the idea of "Multi-Culturalism".  While too large of a topic to discuss here, it had all the hand markings of the Jesuits as well.  Roman Catholicism is not just a liturgy or a worship style, it is first and foremost power politics!

On August 26th, 2014, an article appeared on the Internet by a British author Melanie Phillips, who wrote on how President Obama is working to aid the enemies of the west.  Many blogs and commentators would have us to believe that President Obama is the Antichrist; however, that view is from tunnel vision.  The fact is that Barak Obama or Barry Sotero or any number of alias and social security cards he carries, Obama is nothing more than a puppet of George Soros, the Vatican, functioning through the Jesuits and the Freemasons.  In an act of generosity, I would say that those at the "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble" site have it right when they report on the Jesuits, the Vatican, Roman Catholicism, Freemasonry,  They simply don't know even half of it.  Let them tell you about the Vatican "slush" fund for the Obama family!

Let me offer a word of caution - Things are closer than they appear.

God be with you in these deceptive times,

Pastor Bob