Steve W (11 Aug 2012)
"His Delay, Our Delight !"

Dear Doves,
I hate waiting. I really do. I am not a very patient person. Just ask my wife. If you're anything like me, waiting is not on your top ten
list of favorite things to do on a hot summer day. Even waiting in line at the local grocery store when the temperature is 30 degrees
cooler inside than out, it is shear torture. Inevitability, when the store is packed and the lines long, I like to play the guessing game
of, 'What line will move faster?' You've played that one haven't you? The line next to you on the left seems to be zipping by at lightning
speed. You make that calculated move to switch to that line. And then? Ya, you guessed it. Murphy's law. It always happens. The line suddenly comes to a screeching halt. The person with a hundred cut out coupons and a jar full of coins decides to show up  right in front of you. They didn't even show their cards. The nerve of them. I'm beginning to fume. My blood pressure is rising. I look back at my former line and it's suddenly doing double time. I scold myself for changing lanes, but dare not change again. I begin to think, 'Is is God's way of teaching me patience?' Urrgh!  I hate it! And they say patience is a virtue. It seems more like a virus to me.
And so it is with so many things in life. We simply have to wait don't we? I really don't think this particular fruit (patience) of the spirit is all that tasty. And yet, when I read scripture it's full of examples of people waiting. And there seems to be a reward that comes with it. So what's this waiting thing all about ? Well, the few times I have been able to wait in relative calm, it's been kinda neat. It's almost as if time slows down and I'm able to breath easier. I'm able to think more clearly. I suddenly lose all contempt for self and others. On rare times, I may even feel prompted to pray silently for 'Coupon Cathy' and her family. Who knows, I might even spark up a friendly conversation with the guy beside me. Suddenly, I'll find myself in front of the cashier, genuinely asking, 'How are you?' I leave the store with a smile despite paying $79 for a bag of groceries. Life is great. I feel good. So what if I'm fifteen minutes late for a date with my TV to watch the ball game. It's OK. Strangely, the ball game just doesn't seem all that important anyway. Yes, I have learned patience. Now that same fruit seems peculiarly tasty instead of sour. I have a peace in my soul that simply goes beyond understanding. You've felt it at times haven't you? This has happens to you as well. In the surrender to waiting, God decides to show up. Isn't it strange how that happens? Yet, as you know, this is often how God works.
So what's the point of all this anyway? Well, if you've been a watcher for any length of time you've had to wait. Wait for His return. Wait for the rapture. Chances are that you and I will have to wait a little while longer. How long? I dunno.  Maybe a week. Perhaps to Rosh. 2012. Maybe even to the infamous date of December 21,2012; the 'End of the World' according to the Mayan calendar. And it may be that our wait will be in years. Yes, I said years. We just don't know. Despite all the great predictions that have found their way to the blogs and You Tube, God is still at work saving people. And that's a good thing. Sure glad He didn't shut the door to the Ark 40 years ago. Most of us( if we were even alive then) would have had the door slammed in our face. Not a pleasant thought is it?
You see, while date setting and speculating can be fun and can give us a sense of hope, it can also be a big let down when the dates come and go. We can be left frustrated, angry, and even despondent when a date or season has passed that we felt for sure Jesus would come. We've all been there in the past to some degree. I leaned heavily on a 2010 Rapture. Even had what I thought was a 'word' from God back in '07 that He would come for His bride in 2010. I even wrote about it on Five Doves. Well, I was feeling pretty depressed and angry when when 2010 came and went without the Rapture. It took me awhile to get over it, but I finally did.  Since then, I try not to lean to heavily on this date or that. Neither do I put too much stock in this dream or that vision. No matter how much sense it makes to us, the Rapture is truly a mystery. On all levels. God is still restraining. He's not done with His work. This requires us to not only wait for His return patiently, but also engage in life in the here and now. In other words, going about our Father's business. Until we here that trumpet call, every day God is purposing  us to fulfill His plan. Even in the mundane of our daily rituals. He is at work. Changing lives, our lives. We are being sanctified daily; getting ready for our wedding. It may take some more time. So if we have to wait, let's wait well. It sure fells a lot better than the alternative.
Yes, we can delight if He delays. If He chooses not to come for awhile, we can still know the presence and love of Jesus. He never promised a rose garden in this life, but He did promise He will always be with us. And I know when I choose to yield to Him and surrender my agenda, I seemingly find what I really want anyway. God really does work in strange ways. So I am learning patience, albeit oh so slowly. God is good.
Bless you and all the Doves.
Steve W.