Kathy K (11 Apr 2012)

I haven't ever wrote to Five Doves before but enjoy the insight and opinion expressed on this site.  The article about Easter beginning in darkness, though, made me feel that I needed to respond.  First of all, Easter is not a Christian celebration of our Saviors resurrection.  It is a pagan holiday that Constantine borrowed after several hundred years after His resurrection.  It is to honor the Goddess Ester.  Sunrise service is not a service to our Master but an ancient pagan custom from ancient Babylon.  It's true that it was dark when the women came to the tomb because our Master had risen at the beginning of First Fruits which would have began at sunset the night before Sunday.  (The Jewish day begins at sun down).  Our Savior crying out was a sign to those present to the suffering he was prophesied to endure from Psalms 22.  He was quoting the Psalm  which each person present would have known and heard throughout their life time in the synagogue.  I just felt that these facts needed to be added to the information shared on your site.   Kathy King