Pastor Bob (2 Nov 2014)
""The Revision Revised""

All Doves:

When I posted a week or two ago "Can I Get A Witness?" and its correction addendum, I noted just three passages of where the early the Early Church Fathers quoted from the Textus Receptus.  I stated that there were many more, but I had no idea of just how many more such passages exist in history and document.  My own study of the 'encyclopedia-work' of the "Early Church Fathers" writings, published by Hendrickson Publishing has revealed hundreds more; but most of you are not interested in the number of actual references, but more interested in the fact that Westcott and Hort were "liars" and really "closet" Roman Catholics.  Their "eclectic" critical New Greek Text is a fraud of enormous proportions. 

If you want the truth about these two heretics then follow the principles of Acts 17:11; you can read the works of Dean John William Burgon for yourself.  You probably are not familiar with Dean Burgon, and I was not all that familiar with Dean Burgon until around 1997.  I knew of him years prior, but never had the time nor the desire to get to know who this gentleman was.  I had unfortunately been negligent in getting to know who he was and what he was about, and, not in ten years of academic seminary education, had any of my professors ever even so much as mentioned the name of this brilliant scholar.  It is now time to resurrect his tremendous contributions to the issue of "Textual Criticism"  As Dean of Chichester, John William Burgon is far more qualified than Jovial to speak about "Textual Criticism", of which he chooses to defame the Greek/Hebrew manuscripts used to translate the KJV Bible.

Dean Burgon was a "contemporary" of Westcott and Hort in their efforts to dethrone the manuscripts used to translate the KJV Bible and replace the KJV Bible with the 'English Revised Bible' in the 1880's.  We are talking about the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Old Testament, which they also changed; and the Textus Receptus, of the Greek New Testament.  Westcott and Hort were complicit with the Jesuit-Counter Reformation movement that was orchestrated by Rome.  Please note here, I am not quoting a present day critic of the Roman sympathizers, but a man who was head and shoulders above Westcott and Hort, and was part of the Protestant Oxford movement that gave the world John Wesley, and others.  He was a first hand witness of the heresies of Westcott and Hort.  When the dust settled with Westcott and Hort, in their "cut and paste" approach, using five different Codex manuscripts, had made changes in 36,191 places.

Dean John William Burgon even wrote a huge book on the corrupted works of Westcott and Hort.  It is entitled 'The Revision Revised'.  It is 636 pages in length, an is perhaps the ultimate work on heretics Westcott and Hort.  You do not have to spend one dime to access this significant document.  You do not even have to research a seminary library either.  To locate this work, you just need to turn to the Internet, and simply Google the title 'The Revision Revised'.  It comes up second on the page listing.  I have been reading it the past two weeks. 

Another web site that I would recommend to those wanting to know the real Truth about the corruption of the Westcott and Hort's "New Greek Text" is "The Great Bible Hoax of 1881".   You may not like the KJV Bible, and I am certainly NOT a KJV Bible Only advocate, but you need to know the Truth about the present day efforts and why such a full-court press attempt is being made to discredit and defame the Authorized KJV Bible.  I am a "Masoretic/Textus Receptus" ONLY advocate.  There is a big difference. 

Westcott and Hort "LIED" about using the oldest manuscripts of the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus.  My references in my post "Can I Get A Witness?" proved that Westcott and Hort did not use the oldest manuscripts available, but even more important is the fact that the references by the Early Church Fathers were also under- estimated as well.  Dean John William Burgon, in his book identifies "thousands" of intentional, erroneous, corruptions performed by Mr. Westcott and Mr. Hort.  In my rebuttal of the Westcott and Hort fraudulent "eclectic" Critical New Greek Text, I merely revealed the tip of the iceberg so to speak about their deception foisted upon the Christian world in 1881, and has been perpetrated upon Christians ever since. 

The bottom line of this is that every modern translation published since the 'Revised Standard Bible' ( and including it) are ALL counterfeit translations that use the bogus Westcott and Hort "eclectic" 'Critical New Greek Text'.  They in turn became the basis of the various Bible Societies that translate the Bible for different languages.  Students, future pastors, teachers today, all use the Nestle/Aland 27th edition of the Greek New Testament.  An updated 28th edition of this corrupt New Greek Text is underway as I write.  As a seminary Greek student I was required to use the 26th edition of Nestle/Aland's Greek Bible published in 1963.  I still have my original Greek New Testament which I used in my two years of Intro and Intermediate Greek. 

What no one will voluntarily tell you is that, beginning in 1975, the original four-member committee responsible for the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, expanded with the addition of a fifth member, Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.  The Jesuit Cardinal Martini died in 2012 and the editorial committee appointed a new committee (more ecumenical in makeup by adding a Greek Orthodox Church member) and expanded it to six members.   The late Jesuit Cardinal Martini was replaced by another Jesuit and Rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Stephen Pisano.  Since Vatican II of 1963-1965, beginning about 1973, the Editorial Committee of the United Bible Society began an intentional path towards a "One World Greek Text" for a "One World Bible". 

Eberhard Nestle had simply carried on the work of Westcott and Hort, a short time after he graduated from the University of Tubingen in Gemany, and later was joined by Kurt Aland in 1952 as associate editor of the New Greek Testament.  Kurt Aland died in 1994.  What we find is that the entire lot, from Westcott and Hort, to Nestle and Aland, and their European Continental associates were clearly individuals of 'open' ecumenical leanings, and along with Roman Catholic Jesuits on the Editorial Committee of the United Bible Society since 1975, there has been a collaboration of men wishing to undermine the Bible of the Reformation.  Keep in mind that Rome went to great length to keep the people in the dark about the Bible, even forbidding the common man to read the Bible without the assistance of a priest.   

I share the specifics of all of this simply as a warning to those believing that all of our modern translations (per-versions) that we are reading is the Word of God.  The fact is few people give a hoot about Truth today, and are easy marks for those with a different agenda.

I predict that we will see (with the release of the new 28th edition of Nestle-Aland New Greek Text - due to be published very soon) an announcement that by or before the 400th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 (or just prior), an announcement from the Vatican of the release of their new - 'A Bible for the Whole World', of course based upon the most accurate and reliable manuscripts in existence (in their words).  When this event is announced it will overshadow the very fact that between 5300 and 5500, still existing, Textus Receptus New Testaments, are the True Christian New Testament.  I have watched closely, the Ecumenical movement, which began at the same time I began ministry and seminary education, in 1965, over the past half century.  We saw earlier this year the Vatican's embracing heretic Kenneth Copeland, the pope of the charismatic/pentecostal back into the folds of Rome.  The 'Emergent Church' and the new Evangelical community are coming right along like lambs to the slaughter.  The Jesuit 'mystics' await the pope's blessings of 'well done good and faithful servants'.

Like the Disney movie 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' and many others based upon the German academics Brothers Grimm, the cultural folklore tails were used to teach the war between good and evil.  But the real theme of the tales of the Brothers Grimm is really all about 'enchantment', and the use of Freudian psychology.  I suggest to you that Vatican II and the Ecumenical movement of the past half-century is merely grist for another story plot for another "enchantment" or should I say "entrapment" of "the lost brethren" to the clutches of Rome.  Rome no longer calls you and I Protestant heretics, but rather "the lost brethren".  Unfortunately, this plot of enchantment is not a movie but is real.  Keep your Bibles book-marked to Revelation 17. 

Do not be deceived by the idea that Jovial seems to equate, that all these other Gnostic writings, are worthy of serious study, or that they should be returned to the Bible.  Serious scholars rejected them centuries ago, and only Roman Catholic scholars want them on our 'bucket list' of reading material.  They, if included, merely support Roman Catholic doctrines that I noted in previous posts on the Apocrypha.  Those of you unfamiliar with the 'Council of Trent', need to be aware that the Jesuits dominated the course of events over the eighteen years the Council sessions met. 

The opening decrees of the 'Council of Trent' set the pace for centuries to come.  They pointed out the battle line drawn by Jesuits in which the Roman Catholic reaction would wage against the Reformation.  First undermine the Bible, then destroy the Protestant teaching and doctrine.  This was the end product of the Council of Trent.  So if I am seen or being perceived as being too hard or critical of Jovial, it is because I believe that he is, or has fallen or beguiled by the "enchantment" of Jesuit's, by those pushing and promulgating the Jesuit agenda.  The similarities are too great to be merely coincidental.  I have read the documents of the Council of Trent.  Pope John XXIII affirmed the decrees issued at the Council of Trent at Vatican II.  What was, still is!

Signing off.

God bless,

Pastor Bob